Milkor MGL - Wikipedia
The Milkor MGL (Multiple Grenade Launcher) is a lightweight 40 mm six-shot revolver -type grenade launcher (variations also fire 37/38mm) developed and manufactured in South Africa by Milkor (Pty) Ltd. The MGL was demonstrated as a concept to the South African Defence Force (SADF) in 1981.
色码转换器| 颜色转换 - RT
十六进制值是6位数字(rrggbb)。 RGB值的范围是0..255。 HSV值在色相:0..359°,饱和度:0..100%,值:0..100%的范围内。 HSL值在色相:0..359°,饱和度:0..100%,亮度:0..100%的范围内。 输入一种颜色代码,然后按转换按钮:
M Adler D Ltd. - Premium Manufacturer Of Top-quality Weapons
The 40 mm RBG-6 launcher is a lightweight, semi-automatic, shoulder fired grenade launcher for infantry use. It fires the widely used 40 mm, low velocity family of grenades. The RBG-6 is equipped with a three-position folding stock.
Croatian grenade launcher attracts increasing Middle Eastern …
2018年2月24日 · Croatian company successfully promoting the 40 mm RBG-6 lightweight, semi-automatic grenade launcher for military, security, law enforcement and special forces customers in the Middle East region. It fires the widely used 40 mm, low velocity family of grenades.
RG-6 grenade launcher - Wikipedia
The RG-6 (GRAU designation 6G30) is a Russian 40 mm, six-shot, revolver -type grenade launcher developed between 1993 and 1994 by Central Design and Research Bureau of Sporting and Hunting Weapons (TsKIB SOO), Tula, Russia.
颜色代码转换 - 锤子在线工具
rgb 色彩模式是工业界的一种颜色标准,是通过对红(r)、绿(g)、蓝(b) 三个颜色通道的变化以及它们相互之间的叠加来得到各式各样的颜色的,rgb 即是代表红、绿、蓝三个通道的颜色,这个标准几乎包括了人类视力所能感知的所有颜色,是运用最广的颜色系统之一。
RGB颜色代码表 - RT
rgb≡红色,绿色,蓝色. led监视器中的每个像素通过红色,绿色和蓝色led(发光二极管)的组合以这种方式显示颜色。 当红色像素设置为0时,led熄灭。当红色像素设置为255时,led完全打开。 它们之间的任何值会将led设置为部分发光。 rgb颜色格式和计算
Milkor MGL - Weaponsystems.net
The RBG-6 is an unlicenced Croatian copy of the original model of the MGL. The RBG-6 differs in some minor details. As with the MGL Mk 1 the barrel is made out of steel. What sets the RBG-6 apart from the MGL series is the constant rifling of the barrel, whereas the rifling of …
M Adler D d.o.o. - Proizvodnja oružja vrhunske kvalitete
Višestruki bacač granata RBG-6 je lagani poluautomatski bacač granata kalibra 40 mm za pješačku uporabu. Koristi granate iz porodice sporih granata, te je opremljen sa tri položaja sklopivosti. Kada je bacač u potpunosti otvoren / otklopljen, usadnik (kundak) je gotovo paralelan sa cijevi te je zaključan u toj poziciji za kraće domete.
RGB 颜色表与十六进制颜色值码 - Codeeeee 在线小工具
本工具提供常用的 rgb 颜色值,以及相应的 16 进制颜色码对照表。 RGB 和 CMYK 的区别是, RGB 模式是直接发光的色彩模式,比如显示器屏幕;而 CMYK 依靠光的反射,需要有外界的光源,比如用于杂志等印刷品。