RBX Series - Overview - Basses - Guitars, Basses & Amps - Yamaha
Their commanding looks and big low-end tone equip these RBX basses to take on any challenger. The ergonomic body design and 3-D headstock are identifying qualities of RBX374 and RBX375 basses. The smooth tapered feel of the bolt-on neck along with the specially designed humbucking pickups and active circuitry create a comfortable feel.
Yamaha RBX1000 Electric Bass - Made in Japan (RARE) - Reverb
Very rare example of excellent Japanese craftsmanship in the early nineties, this bass was the flagship model of the Yamaha RBX series. It includes a set of very good sounding P+J pickups and a 2-band EQ with a very versatile sounding active preamp. It can go from a full on P-bass growl to a warm and smooth thumpy tone quite easily.
Nothing beats our RBX basses for raw, sonic power with plenty of punch. Bodies are made of solid alder with wide cutouts and ergonomically designed for extended playability. Each body is fitted with a 24-fret bolt-on neck that is fast and sleek for maximum speed.
RBX系列 - 雅马哈中国 - 雅马哈乐器音响(中国)官网
普及型的RBX系列拥有完美的性价比,能够带领初学者来到贝司的世界。 雅马哈 (Yamaha)在中国的官方网站。 全面介绍雅马哈钢琴、电子琴、管乐器、吉他、爵士鼓、合成器等乐器和音乐制作产品、家庭音响和专业音响产品信息及服务。
Yamaha RBX270J BL Electric Bass Guitar Black - Reverb
This black RBX270J by Yamaha has everything you could want in your first bass guitar. It's strongly built with quality parts and materials, without forcing you to empty your piggy bank! The RBX270J has a few upgrades that set it apart from its little brother, the RBX170.
Yamaha RBX170 Electric Bass Guitar - Reverb
RBX electric 4-string bass guitar. The RBX170 offers big low-end tone, ergonomic body design and a 3-D headstock. The RBX progressive design offers effortless playability and the smooth tapered feel of the bolt-on neck creates a very comfortable feel.
YAMAHA RBX SERIES - guitar-list
First introduced in 1987, these Taiwanese-made basses came with active or passive circuitry, a variety of pickup configurations and the choice of 4-string, 5-string, fretted, fretless and left-handed versions.
RBX Series - Specs - Basses - Guitars, Basses & Amps - Musical ... - Yamaha
Progressive designs and effortless playability make the RBX series our best-selling basses.
RBX4A2 - エレキベース - 概要 - ヤマハ
3.2kgの超軽量と的確なウェイトバランスが抜群の演奏性を実現。 常に弾きやすいプレイフォームがとれ、プレイヤーと一体化したスムーズなプレイが可能。 長時間の演奏でもプレイに集中でき、アクションもラクラクOK。 軽量ボディでもサウンドは重量級。 A.I.R.テクノロジー&新開発ピックアップが生み出すクリアでパンチのある太いサウンドはさまざまなジャンルに対応。 「RGX A2」と同様の新開発ボディ構造を採用し、フルサイズのエレキベースを大幅 …
Yamaha RBX 250 Solid Body Electric Bass - Black - Reverb
Perfect for beginners, the Yamaha RBX 250 is a solid-body electric bass that doesn't sacrifice quality for a low price. Featuring a solid Alder body, a split single coil pickup, Maple neck, and Rosewood fretboard, the Yamaha RBX 250 is simple, efficient, and comfortable.