Small details create big results on the JHH A-7 Corsair II! - The RC Geek
With the A-7 Corsair II, I absolutely love flying it, but it's no secret that it can be a pretty challenging airplane in adverse wind conditions, especially crosswinds. The high anhedral …
The RC Geek - The Place to GEEK out on RC!
2023年9月19日 · Chris "The RC Geek" has built numerous award winning competition scale aircraft and has won 1st place in the Expert class at the US Scale Masters National …
The RC Geek's A-7 Corsair II (Jet Hangar) 90mm EDF Flight at MRCF
The airplane is a Jet Hangar Hobbies Kit with JetFan90 90mm EDF, Neu 1415/2Y motor and 12s 5800 mah battery (available from jethangar.com). The paint scheme is from Desert Storm in a …
The RC Geek's A-7 Corsair II (Jet Hangar) 90mm EDF Flight at MRCF
Video The RC Geek's A-7 Corsair II (Jet Hangar) 90mm EDF Flight at MRCF R/C Blogs
Dive into the ‘tail’ of my Jet Hangar Hobbies A-7 ... - Facebook
The RC Geek ReelsJan 25, 2024 Dive into the ‘tail’ of my Jet Hangar Hobbies A-7 Corsair II, which has stuck around longer than any of the houses I’ve lived in. 😆 It’s been an almost 18 …
The RC Geek's RC Shop
The RC Geek is your place to shop for all aspects of the RC hobby. Find parts for your warbirds, jets, cars, and more including the Original CenterBurner line of simulated afterburners, the …
A-7 D/E Corsair II - Jet Hangar
We have taken our award winning 100% scale LTV A-7 Corsair II design and made it available as a true turbine ARF! Encompassing all of the scale features from our existing A-7 kit, the ARF …
From the Field -- Scale Competition Thoughts & Practice with the …
If you've been following along on my social pages (@thercgeek), you've been seeing the work I've been doing to get my Jet Hangar Hobbies A-7 Corsair II EDF r...
KingTech Models 1/7.5 A7E Corsair II PNP | Pacific RC Jets
KingTech Models 1/7.5 A7E Corsair II PNP is designed and built around the 1960 era carrier based fighter. The airframe is all composite with scale features, panel lines/rivets, cockpit and …
Jet Hanger Hobbies A-7 D/E ARF - RC Groups
2006年1月25日 · Check this one out from the turbine guys section. New use for 120mm Fan maybe. Depends on what it weighs, the Hawk was horribly heavy for an EDF. The fuse wasn't …