Reaction control system - Wikipedia
A reaction control system (RCS) is a spacecraft system that uses thrusters to provide attitude control and translation. Alternatively, reaction wheels can be used for attitude control.
This paper presents the Boeing Reusable Space Systems vision of a Reaction Control System (RCS) for the Reusable First Stage (RFS) being considered as a replacement for the Solid Rocket Booster for the Space Shuttle.
Reaction Control Systems (RCS) - NASA Technical Reports Server …
Reaction Control Systems (RCS) This presentation explains how the reaction control sysem is incorporated into the shuttle and how it functions.
Reaction Control System (RCS) was tested as part of the Integrated Cryogenic Propulsion Test Article (ICPTA) at NASA GRC Plum Brook Station in the Spacecraft Propulsion Research Facility (B-2) • 40 tests were performed with 1,010 individual RCE pulses across a range of conditions • Simulated altitude (ambient temperature, approximately 30 torr)
The shuttle RCS jets are most often used for on orbit maneuvering and attitude control. Although most of the control systems that use RCS jets are in spacecraft, several Earth entry vehicles also use RCS jets during the
Careful consideration should be given to placement and orientation of RCS jet thrusters on hypersonic entry vehicles in order to minimize adverse RCS JI. Modern state-of-the-art computational fluid dynamics (CFD) tools should be able to predict the RCS effectiveness and JI accurately when coupled with verification and
The Reaction Control Subsystem (RCS) pro vides thrust impulses that stabilize the LM during the descent and ascent trajectory and controls attitude and translation - movement of the LM about and along its three axes - during hover, landing, rendezvous, and docking maneuvers.
Centaur: America's Workhorse in Space - NASA
2012年12月12日 · Its name is Centaur, and it is America’s Workhorse in Space. Centaur is one of Lewis Research Center’s (now NASA Glenn) most significant achievements. Centaur has been used to boost satellites into orbit and propel probes into space. It has helped to revolutionize communication and expand the frontiers of space.
HyperMesh辅助FEKO对NASA almond杏仁体进行RCS仿真 - 知乎
The RCS values for both horizontal (HH) and vertical (VV) polarizations are plotted in dBSM [dB with respect to one square meter] as a function of the azimuthal angle. The elevation angle is zero, and the almond is measured with its broad side flat. Zero degrees azimuth corresponds to incidence on the tip.
使用NASA杏仁体验证FEKO多极子算法有效性 - rfeda
2009年4月13日 · 自己在catia上画了NASA杏仁体的模型,和《Benchmark Radar Targets for the Validation of Computational Electromagnetics Programs》的数据进行比较,用来验证FEKOMLFMM算法的有效性。