Resident Evil 9: Everything we know so far - GGRecon
2021年5月17日 · The villagers have put down their pitchforks, the vampires are banished back to the crypt, and Donna Beneviento's creepy dolls are back in their dollhouse. The credits have rolled on Resident Evil Village, and what is easily one of the craziest things to come out of the Capcom kitchen.
生化危機9 Resident Evil 9將在明年1月上市 變老的他還是男主?
2024年5月19日 · 另外根據其他爆料者所述,RE9 的主角仍會是系列的人氣角色「里昂·S·甘乃迪」,里昂最早在 1998 年的原版《生化危機2》中登場,起初只是個剛到拉昆市就職的菜鳥警察,後續卻成為美國聯邦政府的特務,還拯救過美國總統的女兒。 而初登場時里昂才 21 歲,到六代時已經 36 歲了,雖說 RE7、RE8 他都沒出場,但如果拿克里斯的年齡來跟他做比對的話就能發現里昂應該要滿 44 歲了,也就是說如果 RE9 他是主角,那也是中年的大叔而非當年意氣風發的少年了。
Donna Beneviento | Resident Evil Wiki | Fandom
Donna Beneviento (ドナ・ベネヴィエント, dona beneviento?) was a mutant human doll-maker who resided in an Eastern European mountain range. Dressed in a black garb, she was usually seen with her doll, Angie, through which she often communicated. Donna Beneviento was born into the gentry of House Beneviento...
傳《惡靈古堡9》將在明年 1 月上市 里昂將繼續擔任主角!粉絲: …
另外根據其他爆料者所述,re9 的主角仍會是系列的人氣角色「里昂·s·甘乃迪」,里昂最早在 1998 年的原版《惡靈古堡2》中登場,起初只是個剛到拉昆市就職的菜鳥警察,後續卻成為美國聯邦政府的特務,還拯救過美國總統的女兒。
Dusk Golem爆料《生化危機9 Resident Evil 9》是終結又是開始
2023年10月31日 · 曾經經常準確爆料Capcom遊戲推主Dusk Golem表示他認為《生化危機9 Resident Evil 9(簡稱:RE9)》將不是《生化危機8:村莊》的直接續作,儘管8和9曾一起被規劃,目的是將當前的故事線終結。
What We Expect from Resident Evil 9 - vgtimes.com
2025年1月28日 · Insider Dusk Golem is 100% certain that the protagonist of the upcoming Resident Evil will be Leon Kennedy. This leak will delight many fans, as they've been asking Capcom to focus on legacy characters in Resident Evil 9 for a long time. However, fans also have other wishes for RE9, which are worth listing in this article.
Resident Evil 9: everything we know so far | Digital Trends
2025年1月27日 · There’s no official release window for Resident Evil 9. In fact, we only know that it is being made and that Resident Evil 7 Director Koshi Nakanishi will return to direct this entry. Some leakers...
动作冒险游戏《生化危机9》被爆料或是双主角配合_游侠网 …
2024年6月14日 · - 他表示 re9 的主角包括 里昂和 吉尔,而不仅仅是之前传闻的里昂。 - 显然,吉尔 之于里昂 就像《生化危机5》中的夏娃 之于克里斯 一样。 - 游戏并非完全 开放世界 ,只是具有类似 村庄 和 RE4 Remake 的开放世界元素。
What do you expect from RE9? : r/residentevil - Reddit
This would be brilliant. Imagine fan favorites like Lady D coming back or Donna creating larger area-wide illusions. If nothing else, less work in creating new assets for the villains.
Donna Beneviento appreciation post. Way overshadowed by her ... - Reddit
2021年5月13日 · Because of her deformity, Donna refused to play with the village children, and only played with her precious dolls, her favorite being Angie, the last doll her father built for her. Upon his death, she cut herself off from the world, speaking only to Angie.