俄罗斯原子能公司测试熔盐反应堆材料 - cnnpn.cn
2024年9月29日 · 在俄罗斯原子能公司矿业与化学联合体 (GKhK – Gorno-Khimicheskom Kombinate),正在对计划中的熔盐研究反应堆的材料进行测试,该反应堆预计将于 2030 年开始运行。
确保核和辐射安全 俄罗斯开始退役ADE-2工业铀石墨反应堆
2024年12月13日 · 近日,位于俄罗斯热列兹诺戈尔斯克的Rosatom采矿和化工联合体(GKhK)正式启动了ADE-2工业铀石墨反应堆的退役工作,为建造熔盐研究反应堆(IZhSR)腾出空间。
Rosatom tests molten salt reactor materials - Nuclear Engineering ...
2024年9月27日 · At Rosatom’s Mining & Chemical Combine (GKhK – Gorno-Khimicheskom Kombinate) materials are being tested for a planned molten salt research reactor, which is expected to begin operation in 2030. The reactor will burn nuclear fuel …
俄罗斯原子能公司完成第二座后处理设施建设 - cnnpn.cn
2024年12月12日 · 在位于克拉斯诺亚尔斯克边疆区热列兹诺戈尔斯克的矿业与化学联合企业(GKhK – Gorno Khimiheskovo Kombinata),用于核后处理的测试与演示中心(ODTs – Opitno Demonstratsinnovo Tsentra)的第二个发射综合体已经完工。
Historic ADE-2 reactor transformation underway
2024年12月12日 · The ADE-2 industrial uranium-graphite reactor (PUGR), located in within a mountain, was stopped in April 2010. It will become the third industrial uranium-graphite reactor at GKhK to be decommissioned. ADE-2 was the last of Russia’s dual purpose plutonium production reactors to be closed after producing weapons-grade plutonium for nearly 52 ...
RF镜头阵容 - 佳能(中国)
这支增倍镜可用于将rf镜头安装至rf卡口相机,并将镜头焦距增加到1.4倍(rf1.4x)或2倍(rf2x)。 当被摄体较远,无法拍到整个画面时,这款增倍镜可以拉近被摄体。
Material protection, control, and accounting enhancements …
1997年11月1日 · The cooperative Russian/US Mining and Chemical Combine (Gorno-Khimichesky Kombinat, GKhK, also referred to as Krasnoyarsk-26) Materials Protection, Control, and Accounting (MPC & A) project was initiated in June 1996.
Mining and Chemical Combine - Wikipedia
The Mining and Chemical Combine is a nuclear facility in Russia. It was established in 1950 to produce plutonium for weapons. [1] . It is in the closed city Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk Krai. The company is currently part of the Rosatom group. [2]
Mining and Chemical Combine (GKhK) - The Nuclear Threat Initiative
Established in 1953 in Krasnoyarsk-26 (currently Zheleznogorsk), the Mining and Chemical Combine (GKhK) played an important role in the Soviet nuclear weapons program. The facility was the third plutonium production facility and hosted a number of underground facilities, including three plutonium production reactors, a reprocessing plant, and ...
中国航空工业集团公司成都飞机设计研究所综合通信射频激励子系 …
2024年10月11日 · 项目编号: gkhk-24h363. 招标公司: 中国航空工业集团公司成都飞机设计研究所. 中标公司: 成都天奥测控技术有限公司. 采购标的物: 综合通信射频激励子系统. 项目地区:四川 成都. 免费查看原文. 中国航空工业集团公司成都飞机设计研究所综合通信射频激励子系统 ...