The LBJ Tapes RFK vs LBJ - JFK Assassination Debate - The …
2014年11月15日 · Thanks For posting. though it's title is RFK vs LBJ, it should have been JEH vs MLK. I hope more people listen. Hoover was completely obsessed with destroying King, and it …
LBJ - RFK Feud - JFK Assassination Debate - The Education Forum
2024年4月19日 · “lbj rfk what really happened” "With the assassination of President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963, Lyndon Johnson was thrust into the nation's highest office, …
Jim Garrison-- A Truly Great American Hero - Page 13 - JFK ...
2024年10月30日 · Blaming RFK for LBJ's Warren Commission appointments doesn't pass the sniff test. The preponderance of the evidence implicates the CIA in the JFK assassination. …
New LBJ Tape supports that RFK suspected LBJ
2008年1月21日 · Hi Pat, I received, a few days ago, a cell phone alert from my associate in DC John Judge, that the C-SPAN RADIO was airing these tapes, and that among them was a call …
Did the Plotters View RFK's Murder of Marilyn ... - The Education …
2023年9月19日 · Putting LBJ on the ticket at the very last minute was a fatal decision for Kennedy because we all know what happened in Dallas. And when JFK's assassination occurred Jackie …
RFK Never Believed the Warren Commission - JFK Assassination …
2024年9月28日 · Remember LBJ was the one pushing for Kennedy to come down to Texas, as John Connally told Doug Thompson. LBJ was the first to announce JFK was coming to Texas …
Mark Groubert: JFK vs. LBJ & the CIA - JFK Assassination Debate
2024年6月27日 · Always worth a listen, Mark Groubert. He is a bit glib, too easily accepts certain JFKA factoids that fit his narratives. But, everyone has flaws. In this episode, Groubert says in …
The RFK1A Scott Enyart Photo Heist Points Away from the …
2024年6月17日 · And, to reiterate, the evidence implicating the LAPD, FBI, and CIA in the cover up of the RFK assassination doesn't "point away" from LBJ-- your thesis on this thread. …
VIDEO: RFK asks LBJ, "Why did you have my brother killed
2008年7月24日 · Ron, I read someplace that when RFK went in to tell his father of his decision to run for the Presidency, that ole Joe Kennedy put his head down and his shoulders drooped. …
Towards A Simple, Plausible Yet Explanatory Conspiracy Theory
2021年4月4日 · Ben, I am just curious. How did Eladio Del Valle feel about the Kennedys? Because I know how LBJ did. Robert Caro describes the LBJ-RFK relationship post 1960 …