RG-8X or RG-8U - RadioReference.com Forums
2011年11月15日 · Its says on the specs that RG-8U has a total run attenuation of 1.8,I checked RG-8X and RG-58 coax and the RG-8U has the lowest loss.So it looks like I will be getting the …
which coax to use?? | RadioReference.com Forums
2011年4月12日 · Even within one manufacturer “RG-8/U” can have many, many values, for example Belden Cable list about 10 variants of “RG-8/U”, each with different losses and features.
RG8U vs RG8 A/U - RadioReference.com Forums
2015年11月28日 · RG8U generally has a solid plastic center insulator while RG8 A/U generally has a foam type plastic center insulator. I say generally because some companies do not …
RG2/13 or RG8/U - RadioReference.com Forums
2019年6月21日 · I need coax cable for a 100 foot run connecting to a BCD996P2 to a Diamond D-1301J antenna. I've called two places and one says RG2/13 and the other RG8/U. What say …
RG8U VS LMR400 - RadioReference.com Forums
2015年2月13日 · RG-8: 2.4 dB loss RG-8X: 4.3 dB loss LMR400: 1.5 dB loss You can see how the different types of cable might kinda look the same, but because of how they are …
RG 8 Bushing - RadioReference.com Forums
2019年10月19日 · I'm having a heck of a time locating 'thru the wall bushing' for RG 8 coax. I can order from China, but can't seem to find any in U.S. Searched Amazon, Ebay, etc. ..an hour …
S.i.w. - type rg8/u-95 foam - RadioReference.com Forums
2012年4月11日 · Just guessing <---, I would think that cable is fairly 'standard' RG-8/u with foam insulation and has 95% shielding. For UHF stuff there are 'better' cables available.
RG8X v.s. RG58U Cable? - RadioReference.com Forums
2006年1月10日 · Studgeman, He was referencing RG-8X (mini foam). This is a smaller version of RG-8, but still has a little bit less loss than rg-58. dsmall, If you are doing a mobile install, your …
Is RG 8 Foam Type Coax Cable The Best? - RadioReference.com …
2008年3月30日 · RG-8 is definitely better than RG-58. RG-58 is not TV cable, older cable would be RG-59 and newer stuff would be RG-6. TV cable (RG-59 and RG-6) is 75 ohm impedance, …
RG8U VS LMR400 | Page 2 | RadioReference.com Forums
2015年2月13日 · RG-8 falls under this category. Foil shielding is 100% coverage and then add the 88% coverage braid for a good strong shielding on the LMR400 cable. Personally, at my …