General Building Contractors and Specialist Contractors (RGBC …
2025年1月26日 · Under section 8B (2) of the BO, an applicant registering as an registered general building contractor (RGBC) or registered specialist contractor (RSC) must satisfy the Building Authority (BA) the adequacy of its management structure (for a body corporate), the appropriate experience and qualifications of its personnel, the ability to have access...
Registered Professionals or Contractors search - Buildings …
These registers are provided for public inspection to facilitate any member of the public to ascertain whether he is, in relation to any matter connected with any activity under the Buildings Ordinance (BO), dealing with a person/contractor registered under the BO. All personal data found therein should not be used for any other purposes.
搜尋註冊專業人士或承建商 - 屋宇署 - b d
提供有關名冊予公眾查閱,旨在協助任何公眾人士確定他是否正在就與根據《建築物條例》進行的任何活動有關連的事宜,與根據本條註冊的人往來。 從名冊內取得的任何個人資料,不得用於任何其他用途。 本網址的名冊內提供的個人資料應用作關乎《建築物條例》及有關規例的事宜上。 使用所提供的個人資料須符合《個人資料(私隱)條例》的規定,凡不適當使用個人資料可構成違反《個人資料 (私隱)條例》。 使用者須同意及接受本網站的《重要告示》內的聲明。
RGBC Book 2020 - 一般香港課程 - 社會資源拓展學院 (SRDI)
RGBC Book 2020 - 香港註冊承建商牌照全攻略 (進階2017) - 定價每本$400 - 如需郵遞, 須支付郵費每本HK$10 及 提供商業地址 社會資源拓展學院
Hon Fung Engineering Limited | Hon Fung | Hong Kong RGBC | 九龍
Hon Fung Engineering Limited was established in 1998, a Registered General Building Contractor (RGBC) and Approved Contractor for Public Works focusing on Fitting-Out Works and Building Alterations & Additions for both Public and Private Sectors including Universities, Institutions, International Schools, Hospitals etc.
Bright Spot Design+Construction | RGBC Service | Hong Kong
BrightSpot 提供一站式設計及裝修工程服務 改動及加建 -屋宇署申報 , 小型工程顧問 Interior Design+ Construction ; AP / RSE / RGBC Service A&A Works, Minor Works Consultant
Bright Spot Design+Construction | RGBC Service | Hong Kong
Bright Spot is a leading construction company specializing in providing high-quality construction services for residential and commercial projects. With a team of experienced professionals, we are committed to delivering exceptional results and exceeding our clients' expectations.
SPT 浚才教育- AS註冊承建商策略班 (精讀班) - 一般承建商RGBC
浚才教育特設AS課程,協助學生掌握考AS的要點,無論係一般承建商 (RGBC)或小型工程承建商 (Minior Works) 均有相對的課程提供。
一般建築承建商及專門承建商 - 屋宇署 - b d
承建商註冊制度的主要目的,是確保只有在執行工作及職責方面能完全勝任,並且非常熟悉相關法例規定及現行樓宇管制制度的承建商,方可註冊成為註冊承建商和獲准進行建築工程及街道工程。 註冊詳情請參閱 《註冊承建商作業備考》38。 一般建築承建商及專門承建商註冊事宜的 表格 及 常見問題。 根據《建築物條例》第8B (2)條的規定,擬成為註冊一般建築承建商或註冊專門承建商的申請人,必須令建築事務監督滿意:其管理架構妥善(如屬法人團體)、職員有適當經驗及 …
(RGBC), the first round of official application period is started from 1 October 2021 to 31 December 2021. In addition, a set of facilitation tools are provided by the Platform to service providers who are interested to apply