Media-independent interface - Wikipedia
The reduced gigabit media-independent interface (RGMII) uses half the number of data pins as are used in the GMII interface. This reduction is achieved by running half as many data lines at double speed, time multiplexing signals and by eliminating non-essential carrier-sense and collision-indication signals.
The RGMII is intended to be an alternative to the IEEE802.3u MII, the IEEE802.3z GMII and the TBI. The principle objective is to reduce the number of pins required to interconnect the MAC and the PHY from a maximum of 28 pins (TBI) to 12 pins in a cost effective and technology independent manner.
What is RGMII (Reduced Gigabit Media Independent) Interface?
2024年5月28日 · RGMII stands for Reduced Gigabit Media Independent Interface. It is a standard used to connect Ethernet PHYs (Physical Layer devices) to MACs (Media Access Controllers). The RGMIl is intended to be an alternative to the IEEE802.3u MIl, the IEEE802.32 GMil.
RGMII Pin assignment - AMD
With the current netlist it is not possible to use E11 pin for rgmii_txc port. If you can remove the IDELAY instance which I showed in my earlier post then you will be able to use E11 pin for rgmii_txc port.
基于原语的千兆以太网RGMII接口设计 - CSDN博客
2020年5月23日 · RGMII全称为Reduced Gigabit Media Independent Interface,是一种网络接口标准,用于千兆以太网芯片与PHY芯片之间的接口标准。RGMII接口的设计目的是为了减少I/O的数量,尽可能减小网卡PCB占用面积,同时提高数据传输效率。
RGMII is a reduced pin count version of GMII as it only has 12 pins per port. While it uses the same 125 MHz clock speed, the data pin count is reduced to 4 bits and the data is clocked in on both edges of the clock in a double-data rate manner.
The reduced gigabit media independent interface (RGMII) has become a widely used alternative to the gigabit media independent interface (GMII) by offering lower pin count which enables board space, and cost, savings. The RGMII standard achieves this by reducing parallel data bus width and through double data rate (DDR).
2024年4月18日 · RGMII 是 IEEE802.3z 标准中定义的千兆媒体独立接口(Gigabit Medium Independent Interface)GMII 的一个替代品。相较于 GMII 接口,RGMII 接口可以在保证传输速率不变的情况下减少管脚数。
RGMII 2.0 接口规范详解 - CSDN文库
2024年11月15日 · RGMI测试规范(RGMII Testing Specification)是针对以太网接口RGMII(Reduced Gigabit Media Independent Interface)的测试制定的规范。 RGMII是一种用于千兆以太网通信的接口标准,它将通信信号从MAC(Media ...
以太网解释:MII、SGMII、RGMII和PHY | Baeldung中文网
2023年12月25日 · RGMII is a reduced-pin-count variant of GMII. Cuts pin count versus original GMII for smaller board designs. Maintains GMII compatibility for RGMII and GMII device interoperability.