Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn (HDN)
HDN occurs when your baby's red blood cells break down at a fast rate. HDN happens when an Rh negative mother has a baby with an Rh positive father. If the Rh negative mother has been sensitized to Rh positive blood, her immune system will make antibodies to attack her baby.
恆河猴病 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
恆河猴病(英語: Rhesus disease )或Rh病(英語: Rh disease )全名又称为Rh因子不相符引起的新生兒溶血病(rh-hemolytic disease of the newborn,Rh-HDFN)是指孕妇体内的抗体攻擊嬰兒的红血球,而发生的溶血性疾病 [1] [2] 。 症状通常包括婴儿贫血和黄疸 [1] 。 发病时间可能在出生前或出生后不久 [3] 。
Hemolytic disease of the newborn - Blood Groups and Red Cell …
A major cause of HDN is an incompatibility of the Rh blood group between the mother and fetus. Most commonly, hemolytic disease is triggered by the D antigen, although other Rh antigens, such as c, C, E, and e, can also cause problems.
Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn - Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Hemolytic disease of the newborn is also called erythroblastosis fetalis. This condition occurs when there is an incompatibility between the blood types of the mother and baby. What causes hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN)? HDN most frequently occurs when an Rh negative mother has a baby with an Rh positive father.
Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn: A Review of Current Trends …
Hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN), also known as Erythroblastosis fetalis, is a hemolytic condition that predominantly affects rhesus-positive fetuses and infants born to rhesus-negative mothers. The pathophysiology of HDN begins with maternal ...
新生儿溶血症 - 知乎
新生儿溶血(HDN)指由于母婴血型不合而引起的同种免疫型溶血。其主要由ABO和Rh血型系统不合引起,其它血型系统有MN、Kell、Kidd、Lewis等也可引起, 但它们由于抗原性不强或发生率低,极为罕见。
Hemolytic disease of the newborn - Wikipedia
Rhesus D hemolytic disease of the newborn (often called Rh disease) is the most common and only preventable form of severe HDN. Since the introduction of Rho-D immunoglobulin, (Rhogam, at 1968, which prevents the production of maternal Rho-D antibodies, the incidence of anti-D HDN has decreased dramatically. [5] [18]
胎儿和新生儿溶血性疾病 - 妇产科学 - MSD诊疗手册专业版
胎儿溶血病(以前称骨髓成红细胞增多症)最常见的病因是Rho(D)血型不合,当胎儿的母亲为Rh阴性血型,父亲为Rh阳性血型,胎儿为Rh阳性血型时可能发生,有时可导致 溶血 。
红细胞不规则抗体致新生儿溶血病血清学特征分析 - 中华新生儿科 …
新生儿溶血病(hemolytic disease of newborn,HDN)是指母子血型不合的同族免疫性溶血病 [ 1 ],可导致新生儿出现贫血、黄疸、水肿甚至死亡,已成为产前诊断、新生儿科以及输血医学共同关注的问题。 人类至今已发现39个血型系统 [ 2 ],临床上以ABO血型系统不合较为常见。 不规则抗体指ABO血型系统以外的血型抗体,由于某些血型抗原在胎儿红细胞表面表达弱或仅产生IgM抗体,约有50%的不规则抗体不引起HDN,而Rh、Kell、Kidd、Diego、MNS等血型系统在HDN方 …
抗RHD免疫球蛋白(RHO IMMUNE)预防Rh新生儿溶血病(HDN…
抗RHD免疫球蛋白(RHO immune)是最早,并且至今仍在使用的预防 Rh新生儿溶血病 (HDN)的Rho (D)免疫球蛋白。 在1968年前,RHO IMMUNE被引进之前,新生儿Rh溶血病是导致婴儿死亡的一个主要原因,该疾病导致美国每年将近10,000新生儿死亡。 自从1968年引进了免疫球蛋白的产品,新生儿溶血病的发生率在大部分发达国家基本得到消除。 【型号与规格】 300ug (1500IU)/120ug (600IU 产后配套) 【用法与用量】 注射剂 (粉针剂),请在医生指导下使用。 肌 …