RIII™ System - Daniel Defense
Explore the all-new RIII™ system from Daniel Defense, which includes rifles, uppers, and rails. The lightweight, free-float, aircraft-grade aluminum RIS III rails make the RIII system the toughest and most modular rifle system on the market today.
Integrated smart specialisation strategies respond to complex development challenges by adapting the policy to the regional context. RIS3 supports the creation of knowledge-based jobs and growth not only in leading research and innovation (R&I) hubs but …
Guide to Research and Innovation Strategies for smart …
2012年6月12日 · The guide sets out a number of practical steps to design a national/regional RIS3, namely: 1. the analysis of the national/regional context and potential for innovation, 2. the set-up of a sound and inclusive governance structure, 3. the production of a shared vision about the future of the country/region, 4. the selection of a limited number ...
直击SHOT Show:丹尼尔防务公司推出新型枪械部件 提升人机工 …
丹尼尔防务公司(Daniel Defense)展示了新研制的RIS III护木和两侧可操作的下机匣。 这种新型护木采用FDE色涂装,并安装在四支该公司制造的步枪上,这些步枪还配备了新型下机匣。 丹尼尔防务公司深耕RIS(导轨接口系统)市场,2005年以来,一直为美国特种作战司令部提供RIS II护木。 虽然老式的RIS II护木采用四条皮卡汀尼导轨,但新的RIS III护木则采用了轻量化的M-LOK通用接口。 RIS III使用六个螺栓(每侧三个)将护木固定在枪管螺母上。 另外四个螺栓(每侧两 …
DfT confirms RIS3 to run for a full five years from 2026 to 2031
2024年12月12日 · The Department for Transport (DfT) has confirmed that Road Investment Strategy 3 (RIS3) will run for a full five years from 2026 to 2031. In its Autumn Bulletin update, the DfT said that in the Autumn Budget, it was announced that the department will proceed with a one-year Interim Settlement for National Highways for 2025/26.
RIS3 - basic description and meaning
The starting point of RIS3 and its basic framework consist of determining the priorities (specialisation domains), which are identified based on economic data, assessing innovation capacity and the expertise of representatives of the public and private sectors in a collaborative process involving all relevant parties.
Eye@RIS3 - Smart Specialisation Platform - Europa
Eye@RIS3 visualises public investment priorities for innovation across Europe for period 2014-2020. It enables public managers and stakeholders to position their territory in comparison to other territories and to find potential partners for collaboration.
Homepage | RIS3
Learn about the Regional Dimension of the RIS3 Strategy and establish cooperation in R&D&I In recent years, smart specialisation strategies have been a widely used concept to support research and innovation, especially in EU countries.
Národní RIS3 strategie
Národní RIS3 strategie Zajišťuje efektivní zacílení prostředků především z evropských, národních a územních rozpočtů na podporu orientovaného a aplikovaného výzkumu a inovací. Podpora je směřována do vybraných prioritních oblastí, které mají vysoký potenciál pro vytváření dlouhodobé konkurenční výhody ČR ...
RIS 3 MAC – Smart Specialization in the MAC Area
This Platform aims to bring together all available resources, actions and tools which permit enhancing RIS3MAC Strategy within the European Zone, strengthening smart specialization areas and generating international leadership in those fields.