RJ70 - Aircraft Performance Database
Notes: The RJ70 has the shortest fuselage than RJ85 and B462. A searchable database of aircarft with recognition and performance data.
British Aerospace Avro RJ70/85/100 - Airliners.net
The 146-100 based RJ70 was delivered from late 1993 but due to low customer interest, only 12 were sold. RJ improvements over the 146 include more reliable and efficient FADEC equipped AlliedSignal (now Honeywell) LF-507 engines, new "Spaceliner" cabin interior and a …
BRITISH AEROSPACE RJ70/85/100 - Plane & Pilot Magazine
2010年1月22日 · PERFORMANCE: Max speed Mach 0.73. Cruise 412 kts. Range 1,440-1,660 nm. Ceiling 40,000'. The Avro RJ series were upgrades from the BAe-146 series. The RJ variants came in three fuselage lengths, all with glass cockpits and …
With complete commonality across the three fuselage length family, Avro RJ customers can optimise regional jet operations to maximise revenue at minimal cost. Configurations of the aircraft vary from less than 70 to more than 100 seats and include four, five or six abreast, mixed class or convertible seating.
Aircraft Guide: BAe RJ70 - AvPay
2022年9月15日 · The Avro RJ series are upgraded developments of the BAe-146 family (see separate entry), and like the 146 was built in three fuselage length variants, the RJ70, RJ85 and RJ100. In 1990 British Aerospace first offered the improved RJ70 and RJ80, both of which were based on the 146-100.
BAE SYSTEMS AVRO RJ-70 - SKYbrary Aviation Safety
Short range regional airliner. In service since 1983. Member of AVRO RJ family updated and re-engined types of BAe-146-100. Avroliner 70 signifies for 70 passengers. Production of BAe-146 was switched to RJ in 1993. Total of 12 aircraft were built. 4 x 31.15 kN Textron Lycoming LF 507 turbofans. Short range regional airliner. In service since 1983.
RJ70是英国阿弗洛国际宇航公司研制的四发涡扇短程运输机。 该机是其RJ系列中的最新一种。 其它三个型号是RJ85,乘客85~112名;RJ100,乘客100~128人;RJ115,乘客116~128人。 该机具有良好的商载和航程,能在小型跑道和粗糙道面的简易机场起降。 百度学术集成海量学术资源,融合人工智能、深度学习、大数据分析等技术,为科研工作者提供全面快捷的学术服务。 在这里我们保持学习的态度,不忘初心,砥砺前行。
1993 - 2002 BAE AVRO RJ70 - Specifications, Performance, …
Multi engine turbojet aircraft. The AVRO RJ70 seats up to 94 passengers plus 2 pilot (s).
BAE RJ-70 operating costs, price and specs - My Aircraft Cost
2021年3月30日 · Maximum operating altitude of 31,000′, a optimal cruise speed of 408 knots/469 MPH, and a 1,755 NM/2,020 SM seats-full range. The BAE RJ-70 has a 3,851′ runway length (or runway plus clearway and/or stopway) and 4,430′ actual landing distance required. Cabin specifications: 06’08” cabin high, 11’02” cabin wide, and 50’07” cabin long.
RJ Professional · Unofficial MSFS Marketplace Browser
2024年11月14日 · Just Flight are excited to bring you all three variants of the RJ family: the RJ70, RJ85 and RJ100. Each variant is fully custom coded and created using comprehensive, hands-on research with a real world aircraft, RJ-100 SE-RJI.
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