RK-44 | Ravenfield Wiki | Fandom
One of the fastest-firing weapons in the game, the RK is right at home in virtually any close-to-midrange engagement. Its combination of fire rate and power is unrivalled in the assault category, and its short-range sights allow users to react to all manner of …
战地模拟器武器详解及基础载具介绍 - 百度贴吧
1.rk44 威力:4发左右打死人 射速:中 瞄具:机瞄 弹容量:30 发射类型:全自动 精度:中 稳定性:中 介绍:战役模式第一把枪,也是最基础的枪,属性极其均衡,没有长处和短处。可以近战突突突,也可以中距离点射。
Steam Workshop::RK-44 Remaster Update - Steam Community
2024年12月31日 · A mod for the end of this year, a test to see if my animations work correctly and improve the colours of my weapons, apparently everything works correctly, expect improvements to my previous mods and new mods based on your comments for 2025, thank you for everyone's support and I wish everyone a happy end of the year.
RXR-44 (F-50D) Guntank R-44 | The Gundam Wiki | Fandom
The RXR-44 Guntank R-44 is a transformable mobile suit introduced in the animated film Mobile Suit Gundam F91. A ground-use transformable mobile suit, the RXR-44 Guntank was capable of transforming between a bipedal mobile suit form and a tank form.
Best Weapons in Ravenfield. (No Mods, so weapons such as the ... - Reddit
2020年10月5日 · What are the best Vanilla weapons?? the vanilla weapons are all good at what they do, their isn't much overlaps. The Patriots is a better assault rifle than the Rk-44, but in CQC, you are better off with the Rk. it's always situational. but the Slamer is the superior launcher. Patriot, Hydra, Condor 357, AA-AA, and HMG.
Automatico | Ravenfield Wiki - Fandom
The Automatico is, true to the name, a fully automatic machine pistol that equips to the sidearm slot. It has an identical rate of fire to the RK44 and Patriot. Each round deals 33 damage with relatively high damage falloff, and knocks down a target in 3 hits, classifying it as a lower firepower weapon.
Ravenfield Gun Games: RK-44 - YouTube
A new series we are going to call Gun Games, we will use each gun in Ravenfield and see which is the best and see where we go from there. Today we are using...
Mod «RK-44 - Vanilla+ Remake/Remaster» for Ravenfield (Build 26)
2023年10月7日 · Loaded in 7,62x51mm Raven, this gas operated assauilt rifle shoots at approximately 600RPM and has capacity of 30 rounds. Comes with a battle scarred, spec-ops and silenced variants.
Mod «RK-44» for Ravenfield (Build 26) - Top mods
2022年3月15日 · Can you update this mode to the newest verison 1.1... CarpathianGeneral → The Great War Redux 1 day ago
RK44 G 412 - airportnavfinder.com
RK44 (Inje-gun,Gangwon-do,KR) Dirt 740m. This page is community maintained. The information is intended for PC simulator navigation or reference.
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