RM-38 - Wikipedia
The RM-38 was a Soviet 50 mm light infantry mortar. The barrel was clamped at two elevation angles only - 45 and 75 degrees. Range variations were made by altering a sleeve round the base of the barrel. This sleeve opened a series of gas ports which bled off exhaust gases and so determined the range.
二战苏联红军战士手中的迫击炮 - 百家号
2017年11月25日 · rm-38型50毫米连级迫击炮由第7工厂于1937年早期开始研制,并测试了几种原型火炮.1938年,苏军采用这种迫击炮成为连属火炮,于1939年投入生产,同年生产1720门,1940年生产23105门,到1940年8月1日生产了18994门,每门迫击炮的生产单价为3600卢布。
M1938 50mm (50-RM 38) Light Infantry Mortar - Military Factory
2016年7月23日 · Page details technical specifications, development, and operational history of the M1938 50mm (50-RM 38) Light Infantry Mortar including pictures. The global defense reference actively compiled since 2003
一直没搞懂RM38和RM40在游戏里到底有啥区别 - 百度贴吧
M1938 50mm (50-RM 38) - Military Equipment Guide With Photos
The Soviet 50-RM 38 used classic mortar components including the launch tube, base plate and bipod assembly. Therefore, the unit can be deployed with relative ease by the crew or pack animals. The entire unit weighs 27 pounds and has a launch tube nearly two feet long.
RM.38 - Quartermaster Section
These light portable mortars were based on the Stokes design and provided support fire to infantry platoons. The RM-38 was the first to be issued and this was developed in 1937 and this was followed by further models each with minor improvements.
苏联-RM-38轻型迫击炮 - 从军WIKI_BWIKI_哔哩哔哩
RM-38 - FirearmCentral Wiki
The RM obr. 1938g. (GAU Index: 52-M-822Sh) (abbreviated as RM-38) is a Soviet light mortar. Ammunition []
二战苏联红军战士手中的迫击炮,看看效果如何? - 网易
2017年11月27日 · rm-38型50毫米迫击炮. 苏联研制出了两种重型迫击炮,107毫米的gvpm-38迫击炮用于山地部队;苏联标准的重型迫击炮是120毫米团属迫击炮,最初是pm-38型,这种火炮像107毫米迫击炮一样可采用金属结构的两轮拖车运送,后来还带有弹药拖车。
RM-38 - Wikiwand
The RM-38 was a Soviet 50 mm light infantry mortar. The barrel was clamped at two elevation angles only - 45 and 75 degrees. Range variations were made by altering a sleeve round the base of the barrel.