Welcome to Eco-Shop | eco-shop Malaysia
Discover the RM2.40 shop in your neighborhood! Eco-Shop is the go-to brand for households across Malaysia. But it's not just our prices that define us, it's our mission to make life easier. …
Noko Online – RM2 Home & Lifestyle Store
RM2 Everything, Everyday. A store that provides countless of products including food & beverage, household goods, kitchenware, toiletries, stationary, food, toys, gardening, hardware, baby, dry goods, ice cream and many more! Some clubs are for the select few, but NOKO Family is …
ecoshop Official Online Store, March 2025 | Shopee Malaysia
Choose from more than 10,000 products with prices as low as RM2.40 per item to complete your home, office, and more. Stay tuned for our Daily Shocking Sales and free shipping vouches for greater savings on your next eco-shop purchase.
宜购百货 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
宜购百货 (馬來語: Eco-Shop)是 马来西亚 的一家购物商店,于柔佛州 利民达 创立 [1]。 商店里的每一个产品只需2令吉40仙(RM2.40)。 2023年宜购百货已在 马来西亚 各地设立超过200家分店,并计划最早于9月上市马股,筹资额或高达8亿令吉。 一旦成功上市,这将是马来西亚知名私募基金 Creador (英语:Creador) 近4年来继 MR.DIY (MRDIY,5296,主板消费股)和CTOS数字(CTOS,5301,主板科技股)之后第3次将投资的公司操作上市。 [2][3] 2021 …
11 Best Things To Buy From JB’s RM2.40 Store - Lemon8
2023年11月15日 · Thankfully, we’ve got Eco Shop – an RM2.40 haven 15 minutes from the causeway that’ll let you stock up on all sorts of homeware for an incredible price of $0.70 each. So, if you’re the type to make the monthly pilgrimage to JB, here are 13 of the best things to buy from JB’s RM2.40 store.
Cheap 2 Shop - CHEAP 2 SHOP
Everything at RM2.30 A customer-oriented, value-driven variety store operating at a RM 2.30 price point. It’s not just about the price, it’s about accessibility and convenience. Shop now
The quick and quiet rise of RM2 stores - The Edge Malaysia
2020年11月24日 · A number of businesses have had to close down amid an extremely tough operating environment, but a particular category of stores has been seeing growing demand in Malaysia. Popularly known as RM2 stores, they have been gaining prominence and their sales are projected to continue on an upward trajectory.
Homepage - Kedai RM 2
2013年5月11日 · Saya Nizam dari Seremban, telah menjalankan perniagaan kedai RM2 ini sejak tahun 2009 dan telah membantu ratusan usahawan kedai RM2 bukan sahaja dalam membekalkan barang tetapi khidmat nasihat dari A to Z sehingga usahawan berjaya memiliki kedai RM2 nya sendiri.
AEON MALL Taman Maluri | Shopping Center
“It’s the RM2.10 shop in my neighborhood!” Eco-Shop is an everyday brand to every household in Malaysia. What you need to know about us is not only the price & quality, But the idea behind the brand, we make your life easier! You will be surprised that with only RM 2.10, you can buy more than What you can expect.
About Us | eco-shop Malaysia
Eco-Shop is your trusted everyday brand. From our humble beginnings in 2003 with a single RM2 shop, we've grown into a nationwide phenomenon with over 290 outlets, offering quality products at just RM2.40. Eco-Shop concept store provides a wide selection of items, all priced below RM20, maintaining our commitment to affordability and quality.