RNP AR - PPRuNe Forums
2010年7月23日 · One way to think about RNP AR is that they are a subset of RNAV procedures -- perhaps as CAT II/III ILS approaches are to Std ILS. RNP AR implies special aircraft and aircrew authorization, implies FMS, implies GPS and implies VNAV. In the USA, FAA Advisory Circular 90-101 and Order 8260.52 are the authoritative references for RNP AR (aka "SAAAR").
RNP AR approaches - PPRuNe Forums
2013年2月10日 · Tech Log - RNP AR approaches - RNP AR non precision approach procedures are RNAV approach procedures where, to my understanding, RNP is below 0.3 NM and down to 0.1 NM, GPS is required and a special authorization is required for the operator (airline + crew + a/c tech status).
RNAV (GNSS) vs RNAV (RNP) - PPRuNe Forums
2016年11月17日 · The RNP AR aircraft has alerting, accuracy, redundancy, and continuity that is far better than ordinary RNAV, The initial approach segment of an RNAV approach is 6 miles wide, 2 mile primary and 1 mile secondary each side of center-line. OTOH, an RNP AR approach can have an initial approach segment as small as RNP 0.10, which is 1,215 feet each ...
A 320 L DEV for RNP AR approach - PPRuNe Forums
2019年8月7日 · Tech Log - A 320 L DEV for RNP AR approach - Hello guys, RNP and RNP AR is a new concept for me and I have a doubt about the deviation scale. Assuming we are allowed to shoot a RNP AR approach with a RNP value of 0.2 or 0.3. During the approach on the progress page the RNP value will be automatically set to 0.3 and in
Interesting RNAV (RNP) Approaches - PPRuNe Forums
2018年11月13日 · Questions - Interesting RNAV (RNP) Approaches - Hi everyone! For my upcoming Performance Class I would like to show my students some examples of interesting RNP AR approaches, meaning approaches with RNPs down to the specifcation limit, multiple RF Legs, challenging missed approaches, mountainous terrain, all in
GPS Primary Lost during RNP-AR approach - PPRuNe Forums
2014年3月22日 · Tech Log - GPS Primary Lost during RNP-AR approach - Hi All This questions refers to Missed Approach actions in the event of a GPS Primary lost on both sides on A320/330 types during a RNP-AR approach WITHOUT a Nav Accuracy Downgrade. In this case, can the Missed Approach be flown in Nav mode or will you need to pull
FAP on RNP approaches - PPRuNe Forums
2017年2月6日 · RNAV / GNSS (RNP APCH) approaches may be flown as a Non-Precision Approach (e.g., LNAV only) with no vertical guidance, hence the final approach start is indicated as a FAF like on any other NPA; RNP AR APCH final approaches requires vertical guidance (APV) -- by definition -- hence the beginning of the final segment is indicated as a FAP; FAA:
FLS vs RNAV approaches on A320 - PPRuNe Forums
2021年6月22日 · Tech Log - FLS vs RNAV approaches on A320 - Hello all, In the airline I fly for on the A320 we regularly do RNAV approaches and soon RNP-AR obviously using FINAL APP. Have been recently made aware that the A320 can have the option of doing an FLS approach using F-G/S and LOC. Just wondering if anyone has any
RNP AR approaches - PPRuNe Forums
2013年2月12日 · Basic RNP AR is 0.30, not below 0.30. PRNAV RNP 0.30 is quite different than RNP AR 0.30. In RNP AR the 0.30 segments are 2 X 0.30 with no secondary obstacle clearance areas. Also, the alerting and monitoring requirements are much greater than with PRNAV or advanced RNAV IAPs.
RNP AR Approach... - PPRuNe Forums
2020年12月13日 · RNP AR approach... the rules state that authorisation is required for that kind of approach. But authorisation from where? I am aware that authorisation is required from the local CAA (state of registry). But do we have to have authorization from the state where the airport/runway of intended operation?