Ruger precision 338 lapua | Sniper's Hide Forum
2019年4月30日 · Picking a 338 Ruger next week. Price for $1600. I have Norma brass, Hornady 338 and H1000 on their way. A friend has a Savage 338 and it is a beast. We shoot in the …
Rifle Scopes Optic for Ruger Precision 338 Lapua - Sniper's Hide
2019年1月1日 · I am looking for a good optic to pair with a recently purchased RPR 338 Lapua. I am not a competition shooter, so purchasing a tier one optic doesn't really make too much …
New RPR 338 Magnum, Can't Get Good MOA | Sniper's Hide Forum
2020年8月1日 · Have a new RPR 338 Lapua Mag. Was so totally enthralled with my RPR 6.5 Creedmore, I began salivating as soon as I saw Ruger had made this guy. Am just getting …
Gunsmithing RPR in 338 lapua - Sniper's Hide
2017年2月21日 · The 338 RPR is a much heavier action. The RPR has more lug surface area and a larger action diameter. More case capacity might make for a bigger boom if things go …
Who's got time and experience behind a RPR in 338L
2008年12月22日 · I'm looking at a RPR in 338 Lapua. The reason is because I've been shooting out to 1,000 yards for a decade and would like to take a 3,000 yard class. I'll be handloading, …
Best model Atlas Bipod for .338 Lapua Magnum? - Sniper's Hide
2020年5月17日 · Atlas has so many models I am having a hard time deciding which non-panning model is right for me. I shoot exclusively in the prone position from 1,500 - 2,000 yards. I have …
RPR 338 LM bolt problem (stuck in decocked position)
2020年5月12日 · Half a year ago i bought a RPR 338 LM. It shoots fine so far. after approx. 100 Rounds the following happened: round fired, bolt could be rotated but not pulled back. i …
Broken extractor Ruger RPR 338 Lapua | Sniper's Hide Forum
2004年11月20日 · I will contact Ruger and request a new extractor and will stop necksizing for the 338,. I am still not convinced that MIM for a highly stressed component is a good idea. The …
Bipod recommendation for first "heavy" rifle - Sniper's Hide
2011年8月12日 · On the cover of the NRA magazine American Rifleman for Jan 2019 they show a Ruger Precision Rife in 338 Lapua with a GG&G bipod. It sure looks nice. It's a GG&G quick …
Help with new setup on RPR .338 LM | Sniper's Hide Forum
2023年11月20日 · Hello, I am a military veteran and I just got a new RPR .338 LM and I want to start getting into precision shoots and competitions. I am looking to find out best …