线程同步:消息传递 - Rust语言圣经(Rust Course)
2010年9月3日 · 与 Go 语言内置的chan不同,Rust 是在标准库里提供了消息通道(channel),你可以将其想象成一场直播,多个主播联合起来在搞一场直播,最终内容通过通道传输给屏幕前的我们,其中主播被称之为发送者,观众被称之为接收者,显而易见的是:一个通道应该支持多个 ...
消息传递 - Rust语言圣经 (Rust Course)
mpsc::channel; 当这么做时,我们需要小心的控制并发度来确保系统的安全。例如,当使用一个循环去接收 TCP 连接时,你要确保当前打开的 socket 数量在可控范围内,而不是毫无原则的接收连接。 再比如,当使用 mpsc::channel 时,要设置一个缓冲值。
async_channel - Rust - Docs.rs
An async multi-producer multi-consumer channel, where each message can be received by only one of all existing consumers. There are two kinds of channels: Bounded channel with limited capacity. Unbounded channel with unlimited capacity. A channel has the Sender and Receiver side. Both sides are cloneable and can be shared among multiple threads.
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channels - Rust - Docs.rs
Channels implements a communication protocol that allows sending and receiving data in frames. The main API of the crate is intended to work over IO traits. However, if desired, the logic of the underlying protocol is available standalone without coupling it to the usage of any IO traits.
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channel in tokio::sync::mpsc - Rust - Docs.rs
Creates a bounded mpsc channel for communicating between asynchronous tasks with backpressure. The channel will buffer up to the provided number of messages. Once the buffer is full, attempts to send new messages will wait until a message is received from the channel.
导频信号是指一直发送的信号,5G里的参考信号也是一直在发送 …
LTE网络的导频信号主要是CS-RS(cell-specific reference signals,小区参考信号)。 基站没事也一直定期推送CS-RS,LTE终端需要用它估测信道质量,决定接入或者切换。
理解FEC(Reed-Solomon)编码 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
本文以IEEE 802.3 200/400GBASE-R使用的FEC RS(544,514)编码为载体,理解Reed-Solomon编码的数学过程。 有限域Reed-Solomon编码的数学是定义在有限域(Finite Field)之上的,有限域的运算是可以硬件实现的,而且…
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