Catalytic Static Mixers Enable the Continuous ... - RSC Publishing
5 天之前 · In this work, we investigated the catalytic hydrogenation of cannabidiol (CBD), delta-8-tetrahydrocannabinol (∆8-THC) and delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (∆9-THC) by using catalytic static mixer (CSM) technology within a shell-and-tube reactor. Hydrogenation of these compounds is typically reported in batch at
Stability study and structural insights into ... - RSC Publishing
2024年12月26日 · The pure CBD powder exhibited a low absorption of water even for a high relative humidity, which is in accordance with its natural hydrophobicity. 1,14 The same hydrophobic behaviour as that of pure CBD was observed for cocrystal CBD–BP. The CBD–PR sample becomes slightly hygroscopic when exposed to relative humidity levels exceeding 80%.
Design, characterization, and release profile of a cannabidiol (CBD ...
2024年8月20日 · Cannabidiol (CBD) is the second most prevalent active ingredient in cannabis (marijuana), and according to the World Health Organization report, CBD exhibits no effects indicative of abuse or dependence potential in humans. 1,2 Real-world evidence suggests that CBD-rich treatment has a beneficial impact on pain, anxiety, and depression symptoms ...
Effect of the CBD/Mg-GA MOF on CBD/Mg-GA MOF nanoformulation significantly increases both BCL-2 and BAX gene expression and decreasing NF-kB and MAPK expressions, indicating that CBD/Mg-GA MOF has potential anti-cancer effects by increasing cell death. Results are expressed as the mean ± SD of 3 separate experiments.
physicochemical, and bioaccessibility of cannabidiol (CBD) nanoemulsions Huijuan Zheng, Bingcan Chen, Jiajia Rao* Food Ingredients and Biopolymers Laboratory, Department of Plant Sciences, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND 58102 Tel: (701) 231-6277. Fax: (701) 231-7723. E-mail: [email protected]. 7KLV
The final Rietveld profile fit of the XRPD of CBD-CR. Black dots represent measured data, red curve represents the calculated profile, blue line is a difference curve and
A cannabidiol-loaded Mg-gallate metal–organic ... - RSC Publishing
Cannabidiol (CBD) has been shown to slow cancer cell growth and is toxic to human glioblastoma cell lines. Thus, CBD could be an effective therapeutic for glioblastoma. In the present study, we explored the anticancer effect of cannabidiol loaded magnesium-gallate (CBD/Mg-GA) metal–organic framework (MOF) us
RSC Advances - 期刊影响因子 4.03 - JCR 2 区 - 中科院 3 区 - 化学 …
学术期刊 RSC Advances,期刊 ISSN: 2046-2069。 一份国际同行评审期刊,涵盖所有化学科学,包括多学科和新兴领域。 RSC ADVANCES 是一本黄金开放获取期刊,允许研究人员免费获取研究文章,并为世界各地的作者提供负担得起的开放获取出版选择。
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《RSC Advances》是一本 金色的开放获取期刊,允许研究人员免费访问研究文章,并为世界各地的作者提供经济实惠的开放获取出版选择。 该刊可选择OA出版,若选择OA出版,APC费用 1300英镑; (约人民币 1.2元)。 LetPub 提供文章处理费(APC)支持服务,可以用人民币支付版面费啦! 作者1:10天送审,返修后3天就accept! 作者2:1天送审,两个月直接接收! 作者3:1天送审,到接收共32天! 更多网友投稿经验,查看: letpub.com.cn/index.php? LetPub …
The CBD, mCherry, and DCV amino acid sequences are presented below. The dark gray sequence indicates the CBD domain, the red sequence indicates the GGGGS linker, the violet sequence shows the mCherry domain, and the blue line indicates the DCV domain. cbd-mcherry-dcv (CmD) MCSQPLDVILLLDGSSSFPASYFDEMKSFAKAFISKANIGPRLTQVSVLQYGSITTIDVPWN