Two-Layer Rt-QFN: A New Coreless Substrate Based on Lead …
2022年3月30日 · Two-Layer Rt-QFN, an advanced substrate technology, is based on the lead frame substrate technology. Unlike a lead frame that forms a substrate structure only by an etching process, Rt-QFN exhibits a premolding structure through a process of resin filling and grinding, thereby maintaining a higher degree of design freedom.
两层 Rt-QFN:基于引线框架技术的新型无芯基板,Coatings - X-MOL
2022年4月29日 · 本文的目的是介绍两层 rt-qfn,一种基于引线框架的无芯基板。 (Rt-QFN 是 Haesung DS 的商标,表示预成型型引线框架基板。 ) 与引线框架相比,两层 Rt-QFN 可以确保更高的设计自由度,因此 I/O 引脚数覆盖范围介于引线之间框架和层压基板。
(PDF) Two-Layer Rt-QFN: A New Coreless Substrate Based
2022年4月29日 · CAE analysis showed that the thermal resistance of the two-layer Rt-QFN substrate was about 23% lower than that of the laminate substrate. The excellent heat dissipation property of two-layer...
QFNマップモールド成形用テープ |半導体材料 | RESONAC
QFN(Quad Flat Non-leaded package)をマップモールド成型(一括樹脂封止)する際に、リードフレームの裏面に貼り付ける樹脂漏れ防止用の接着テープです。 QFNマップモールド成形用テープ |半導体材料 | RESONAC
Two-Layer Rt-QFN, an advanced substrate technology, is based on the lead frame substrate technology. Unlike a lead frame that forms a substrate structure only by an etching process, Rt-QFN...
MAP QFN支撑薄膜_力森诺科(中国)官网
RT系列应用于QFN或SON的MAP封装形式。 封装前贴于引线框架背面,可防止塑封过程中形成毛刺,提高焊线良率。 该应用目前也扩展到其他封装形式。 使用热稳定性能高的热塑性粘结剂。 粘结剂的Tg、热稳定性高可提高焊线良率。 高Tg能防止封装时的毛刺产生。 胶带剥离后不会产生残胶。 室温环境下粘着性低,不易粘附灰尘。 *根据引线框架材质与环氧塑封料的种类的不同,可能需要加热。 *本文章中的数据是在力森诺科集团的实验条件下所测得的结果。 RESONAC力森 …
Comparison of heat dissipation performance between LGA and Rt-QFN ...
Regarding the structure of the QFN package, the Rt-QFN TM (which is a pre-molded lead-frame of Hasung DS [14]- [16]) structure with a wettable flank shape for improving solder wetting and the...
해성디에스(전장과 메모리) : 네이버 ... - 네이버 블로그
2023年9月25日 · 차세대 기판 구조인 Rt-QFN. 반도체 패키지 소형화 기술로 Multi row (~4 row), High In/Out (~400 pin) 구현 가능. Lead Frame 과 PKG Substrate 장점을 모두 가짐. 존재하지 않는 이미지입니다. Rt-QFN 기술을 이용한 제품 군들. - 리드프레임 제품 구조와 성형 방법 및 가공 방법에 따라. 존재하지 않는 이미지입니다. SLF (Stamped Lead Frame): 초정밀 금형을 타발하여 성형하는 방식, 주로 난이도가 낮거나 품질 신뢰성이 매우 중요한 제품 양산. 2019년 기준 세계 5위. …
Rt-QFN (Routable QFN) A QFN package with a pre-mold application, offering high-design flexibility; Enables precise pattern implementation and reduction of packaging processes
QFN Map Molding Support Tape | Semiconductor Related …
Resonac’s adhesive tapes are designed to prevent the leakage of resins attached to the backside of lead frames when map molding (batch resin sealing) quad flat non-leaded packages (QFN). Resonac has marketed these tapes for more than 20 years and holds a large global market share.