RF、FF、RTJ 法兰面和表面处理 (中英文对照) - 百家号
2022年11月5日 · A ring joint flanges (RTJ) is used when a metal-to-metal seal between the mating flanges is required (which is a condition for high-pressure and high-temperature applications, i.e. above 700/800 C°). 当需要在对接法兰之间进行金属对金属密封时(这是高压和高温应用的条件,即高于700/800库 [仑]),使用环形节片法兰(RTJ)。
2024年12月21日 · 其中,RTJ是指一种止回阀的法兰密封形式,具体为环连接榫面。 这种密封形式能够在高压和高温环境下提供可靠密封,广泛应用于需要严格密封要求的场合。
ASME B16.5 RTJ Flange - Piping & Pipeline
2019年8月23日 · The ASME B16.5 RTJ flanges refers to pipe flanges manufactured in accordance with ASME B16.5 furnished with a ring-type joint facing: construction & characteristics, flange types, pressure ratings, the RTJ grooves, advantages and disadvantages, dimensions & tolerances.
ASME B16.5 RTJ Facing Dimensions - Piping & Pipeline
2019年8月28日 · Technical drawing and dimensions of RTJ facings for ASME B16.5 flanges Class 1500
Flange Faces - Raised Face (RF), Flat Face (FF), Ring-Type Joint (RTJ ...
An RTJ flange may have a raised face with a ring groove machined into it. This raised face does not serve as any part of the sealing means. For RTJ flanges that seal with ring gaskets, the raised faces of the connected and tightened flanges may contact each other.
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rtj法兰标准 - 百度文库
rtj法兰标准(ring type joint,简称rtj)是一个标准,该标准定义了圆环形接头(又称环型接头)的的尺寸,形状和强度要求。 这种类型的接头是一种柔性接头,常用于连接管道、压力容器和其它高压设备的管路、阀门或者其它的组件。 RTJ法兰标准根据以下标准 ...
Ring Type Joint Gasket (RTJ Gasket) - Uni Klinger
UKL Ring Joint Gasket (RTJ) provides a strong and durable metal-to-metal seal between two mating RTJ flanges. As the flanges are bolted, the softer material of the ring joint gasket is “squeezed” into the flanges grooves (made of a harder …
Ring Joints | RTJ Gasket | Uni Klinger Limited
Ring Type Joints are widely used by the Oil, Gas, Petrochemical and Offshore Industries in applications subject to high pressures and temperatures. These joints are designed to concentrate the bolt load over a small area thus producing high seating stresses.
Triplex Plunger Pump Rated input horsepower "T" Triplex Stroke length (in.) Fluid end pressure ranges "L" Low, "M" Medium, "H" High This 5" stroke pump is designed for a variety of fluid …