Eliminating over-oxidation of ruthenium oxides by niobium for …
2023年3月15日 · As for Nb 0.1 Ru 0.9 O 2 catalysts, the Ru K-edge shifted to lower absorption energy compared with RuO 2 (Figure 3 A), indicating that the oxidation state of Ru 4+ was slightly reduced to Ru x+ (3 < x < 4). 26 As shown in Figure S20 A, the valence state increased linearly by ∼1.8 eV per oxidation state. 15 Thus, the average oxidation state of ...
Tuning spin state of Ru - ScienceDirect
The ferromagnetism comes from the itinerant 4d electrons in Ru 4+ ions. The Ru 4+ ions surrounded by six oxygen ions (O 2−) exhibits the low-spin (LS) state (S = 1), leading to the local magnetic moment of 2.0 μ B. However, the non-integer magnetic moment (1.6 μ B /Ru) is induced by the free-ion moment modification. The highly-correlated ...
Na-doped ruthenium perovskite electrocatalysts with improved …
2019年5月3日 · The lack of stability of Ru-based oxides appears to be related to the transformation of Ru 4+ into Ru >4+ at high voltages (above 1.3–1.4 V) 12,13 leading to the decomposition of the perovskite ...
Ruthenium tetroxide - Wikipedia
RuO 4 is prepared by oxidation of ruthenium(III) chloride with NaIO 4. [3] The reaction initially produces sodium diperiododihydroxoruthenate(VI), which then decomposes in acid solution to the tetroxide: [6] 8 Ru 3+ (aq) + 5 IO 4 − (aq) + 12 H 2 O(l) → 8 RuO 4 (s) + 5 I − (aq) + 24 H + (aq) [7]. Due to its challenging reactivity, RuO 4 is always generated in situ and used in ...
Accelerating Ru0/Ru4+ Adjacent Dual Sites ... - Wiley Online Library
2023年10月19日 · The relative proportion of Ru 0 to Ru 4+ for the two samples is 0.8. There are two obvious peaks for Ru 3p 3/2 XPS curves (Figure S4a, Supporting Information); Ru 0 and Ru 4+ signals are represented by the fitted peaks at 462.5 and 465.1 eV, respectively, [28, 29] and the Ru 4+ position also moves from 464.95 (RuO 2-AC) to 465.11 eV (Cu-RuO 2-AC).
钌 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
[16] [17] 剩下的钌同位素除了 95 Ru(半衰期1.643小时)和 105 Ru(半衰期4.44小时)以外,半衰期都少于五分钟。 [16] [17] 比最常见的钌同位素 102 Ru轻的钌同位素的主要衰变方式是电子捕获成锝,而更重的钌同位素则通过β衰变衰变成铑。 [16] [17] 106 Ru是铀和钚的裂变 ...
Dynamic oxygen adsorption on single-atomic Ruthenium catalyst …
2019年10月24日 · Hence, the resultant overpotential for O-Ru 1-N 4 is 0.59 V, much lower than that for the ex situ Ru 1-N 4 and also the HO-Ru 1-N 4 (0.71 eV) (Fig. 4a and Supplementary Figs. 20–22).
材料科学与工程学院郭少军团队发现稳定高价态钌催化活性位的新 …
2023年12月5日 · 这种电子相互作用是通过O桥接Ru和M产生,进而可通过调节M的电子亲和力来调节Ru SS的化学状态,实现稳定的高价Ru(>+4价),不同于先前报道的Ru SS催化剂(其价态通常在0和+2之间)。其中,Ru SS FeNiPi PHSs催化剂展现出最优的析氧催化活性。
2014年10月29日 · These materials feature Ru 4+(4d4) ions and a weaker or “intermediate strength” SOC (~ 0.16 eV, compared to ~ 0.4 eV for Ir ions) [24]. The different d-shell filling and contrasting hierarchy of energy scales between the ruthenates and iridates provide a unique opportunity for a deeper
High-state spin in Ru - ScienceDirect
2021年5月1日 · It is to be note that Ru 4+ has about 1.1 to 1.6 µ B in bulk SRO and this means that the coulomb interaction energy is smaller than the crystal field splitting energy in the same electron orbital. The Ru 4+ display a low-spin state with the electron configuration of t 2g (3↑,1↓).