RWB JAPAN - RWB/RAUH-Welt BEGRIFF is a Porsche tuner …
RWB/RAUH-Welt BEGRIFF is a Porsche tuner located in Japan. RWB has combined Japanese and Euro tuning elements, creating the distinct RWB style for Porsche chassis.
What’s an RWB Porsche? Plus Top 10 Porsches By Rauh Welt Begriff
2023年4月7日 · When it comes to describing what an RWB Porsche is, the simple answer is that it's a customized, widebody Porsche 911 built by noted Japanese tuner Akira Nakai. But the real answer is far more...
Enter The '70s: RWB's Latest Creation - Speedhunters
2014年6月19日 · For Nakai’s latest creation, inspiration was drawn from the 1976 IROC race cars. The styling gives the 964 an RSR look thanks to that unmistakable front bumper with the large rectangular central air-dam and the two round side intakes that help cool the brakes.
邂逅911赛道之王!鉴赏殿堂级赛车911RSR! - 知乎专栏
911 RSR 採用母厂的4.0 自然吸气六缸水平对置发动机,输出马力达510匹,四气门技术,而变速为6档序列式变速箱,亦可配备方向盘换档设置, 制动为赛车级别的前6后4刹车系统,前为带速释联接器的单件式 6 活塞铝制固定卡钳,刹车盘直径为 390 mm 的内部通风的钢制制动盘,当然的赛车用制动片。 后为带速释联接器的单件式 4 活塞铝制固定卡钳,配直径为 355 mm 的内部通风钢制制动盘。 而驾驶舱,当然的配有赛车专用防滚架,量产车的标准仪表已被专业赛车电腦所 …
RWB Porsche: Top 10 Creations Of Akira Nakai - motorheads.com
2024年12月16日 · Every RWB Porsche is distinctive and has a unique name. While they don’t release exact figures, it’s estimated that they have built around 500 RWB Porsches since the company’s inception in the late 1990s. These are my top 10 RWB builds of Akira Nakai, ranked by originality, name, and sheer awesomeness. 10. RWB Baymax
1992 Porsche 911 RWB 964 3.8L RSR | 6 Speed 993 RSR
This 964 received a 3.8L RSR Motor supplied by Freisinger motorsport who has been in the Porsche racing scene since the 1960s. Engine was supplied in 2008, features hand made custom equal length headers made in Japan by MOMO.
1989 Porsche 911 964 C4 | RWB Seattle #3 | Guards Red | RSR …
A full Fabspeed RSR style exhaust was used which gives the classic Porsche motorsport flat-six tone. All mounting is upgraded, a drilled cup car-style airbox and heater bypass make for an aggressive look in the engine bay.
RWB保时捷964是不是你心中最美的911? - 知乎专栏
2019年1月1日 · RAUH-Welt BEGRIFF 本为德语,英文近译为ROUGH-World ,旨在进化风冷保时捷至一个狂野、极限的境界。 保时捷911(964)作为风冷时期的一代经典,经过RWB改装后的964,更是吸引粉丝无数。 但也有人说RWB满身柳钉的宽体很土,宽体不实用,你觉得呢? ... 「大众玩车共创分享社区家园」 RAUH-Welt BEGRIFF本为德语,英文近译为ROUGH-World ,旨在进化风冷保时捷至一个狂野、极限的境界。 保时捷911(964)作为风冷时期的一代经典,经 …
保时捷911宽体改装全程记录,全球首台RWB 997turbo 首都高朝圣,中井启亲手打造rwb.
复古艺术结合的改装车——保时捷RWB - 懂车帝
2023年10月11日 · 保时捷991 RWB,这款车型自从中井大师动手改装以来,就成为了改装车界的一颗璀璨明星。 它的每一个细节,都充满了艺术感,每一次驾驶,都让人感受到了改装车的魅力。 中井大师的改装理念是一种艺术和工艺的交融。 他不仅仅是在改装汽车,他是在创造艺术。 每一辆他改装的保时捷911,都是他对汽车美学的独特诠释,每一处细节都充满了他对汽车的热爱和对工艺的尊重。 改装过程是一次艺术创作的过程。 中井大师首先对保时捷991进行了全面的测 …