Lokomotiv Yaroslavl plane crash - Wikipedia
The Yak-42, [15] registered as RA-42434, entered Runway 05/23 at taxiway 5, located 300 metres (980 ft) from the runway threshold. Runway 05/23 was 3,000 metres (9,800 ft) long, leaving 2,700 metres (8,900 ft) for the take-off run.
2011年雅罗斯拉夫尔空难 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2011年雅罗斯拉夫尔空难 发生于2011年9月7日当地时间16:05(UTC+4)。 一架 雅克服务航空 的 雅克-42 客机,携带 雅罗斯拉夫尔火车头冰球队 前往 明斯克 参加 大陆冰球联盟 2011-12赛季首场比赛时,从 雅罗斯拉夫尔 图诺什纳机场 起飞后不久即坠毁在离该机场约2公里处。 飞机上的45名乘客除火车头 冰球 队右后卫 亚历山大·加利莫夫 与一名机组人员生还外,43人當場罹难 [5][6],其中包括了火车头冰球队全体运动员、教练组以及4名随队出征的小联盟二线队员。 全隊除了一 …
Loss of control Accident Yakovlev Yak-42D RA-42434, Wednesday …
YAK Service flight 9633, a Yakovlev Yak-42, crashed shortly after takeoff from Yaroslavl-Tunoshna Airport, Russia, killing 44 occupants; one survived the accident. The surviving passenge...
Crash of a Yakovlev Yak-42D in Yaroslavl: 44 killed
During the takeoff roll from runway 23 at Yaroslavl-Tunoshna Airport, the crew selected flaps down at 20° and the stabilizer in a nose-up position of 8,7°. The aircraft slowly accelerated to 165 km/h due to a residual pressure on the brake pedal. At a speed of 185 km/h and at a distance of 1,350 metres from the runway end, the nose gear lifted off.
11 Years Ago A Plane Crash Wiped Out A Russian Ice Hockey Team
2022年9月7日 · For the 554-mile journey to Belarus, Lokomotiv Yaroslavl chartered an eight-year-old Yakovlev Yak-42D with the registration RA-42434. Operated by aircraft charter company YAK-Service, Flight 9633 entered Runway 05/23 at taxiway 5, …
Crash: Yak Service YK42 at Yaroslavl on Sep 7th 2011, failed to …
A Yak Service Yakovlev Yak-42, registration RA-42434 performing a charter flight from Yaroslavl (Russia) to Minsk (Belarus) with 37 passengers (the Lokomotiv Yaroslav Hockey Team) and 8 crew, could not climb out after takeoff from Yaroslavl's Tunoshna Airport …
俄羅斯體壇最大的噩夢,2011.9.7雅羅斯拉夫火車頭冰球隊包機空 …
2019年9月23日 · 2011年9月7日,一架隸屬於雅克服務航空公司的雅克-42型噴氣式客機(飛機編號為4520421301017,航空註冊編號ra-42434,1983年出廠,至事發時機齡28年,屬於一架老機)降落在雅羅斯拉夫爾機場,該架飛機最初由韃靼航空1993年購買,後來轉手賣給雅克服務航空公司
MAK - Yakovlev Yak-42D YAK Service RA-42434 [7 September 2011]
A Yakovlev 42 passenger plane, RA-42434, was destroyed when it crashed about 1 km from the runway of Yaroslavl Airport (IAR), Russia. Forty-three people were...
The plane failed to climb after takeoff and crashed into an antenna outside the airport perimeter and came to rest in the Volga River, 1km from the runway. The plane carried the entire Lokomotiv Yaroslavl ice hockey team. Pilot error. Both pilots had experience on the Yak-40 but were assigned to switch between types , contrary to proper practice.
RA-42434/RA42434 aviation photos on JetPhotos
2002年6月21日 · Reg: RA-42434 photos; Aircraft: Yakovlev Yak-42D; Serial #: 4520424305017; Photo date: 2002-06-21; Uploaded: 2006-06-13
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