SR8 - RAB Lighting
Designed to meet DLC 5.1 requirements. Long-life, high-efficacy, discrete, surface-mount LEDs. RAB's range of Correlated Color Temperature follows the guidelines of the American National …
Coordination of RAB-8 and RAB-11 during unconventional …
2024年2月5日 · Multiple physiology-pertinent transmembrane proteins reach the cell surface via the Golgi-bypassing unconventional protein secretion (UcPS) pathway. By employing C. elegans-polarized intestine epithelia, we recently have revealed that the small GTPase RAB-8/Rab8 serves as an important player in the …
Coordination of RAB-8 and RAB-11 during unconventional …
2023年11月29日 · Our findings revealed the importance of RAB-8 activity during the unconventional apical transport of PGP-1 and identified SMGL-1 as a RAB-8 GEF (Wang et al., 2022). Here, we further show that hyperactive RAB-8 also impairs the Golgi-bypassing transport of membrane cargoes and the associated resistance to environmental stressors.
The Rab8 GTPase regulates apical protein localization in ... - Nature
2007年6月27日 · Here we show that Rab8 is responsible for the localization of apical proteins in intestinal epithelial cells. We found that apical peptidases and transporters localized to lysosomes in the small...
Rab11-Rab8 cascade dynamics in primary cilia and membrane …
2024年11月26日 · However, using an inducible expression system, newly translated Rab8 could be directly observed loading onto enlarged Rab11b-Rabin8 membranes by time-lapse imaging. Our work also supports a classic Rab cascade mechanism for Rab11 and …
Rab8 和 Rabin8 介导的肿瘤形成,通过 FGFR 信号传导的超活化 …
We demonstrate that RABN-8, an ortholog of Rabin8, known as a GEF for Rab8, is also required for Muv formation by promoting the secretion of EGL-17/FGF from vulval precursor cells. In addition, FGFR inhibitors decreased Muv formation mediated by mutant EGFR.
华中科技大学Li, Xinxin:RAB-8和RAB-11在非常规蛋白质分泌过程 …
2024年2月5日 · 此外,rab-11/rab11能够招募rabi-8/rabin8,减少smgl-1/gef对rab-8的鸟嘌呤核苷酸交换活性,表明需要精细调节的rab-8/rab-11网络。rab-8和rab-11阳性的内体结构群体,含有顶端ucps货物,向顶端移动。在没有rab-11或其效应物的情况下,货物分别保留在rab-8和rab-11阳性 …
Rab8 - SpringerLink
2018年1月1日 · Rab8 was among the first group of mammalian Rab GTPases to be identified and is a close functional and sequence homolog of the yeast proteins Ypt2 and Sec4p. A second isoform, Rab8b (b for basophil), was cloned from mast cells in 1996. Rab8b shares 83% sequence identity with MEL/Rab8 (now also termed Rab8a) primarily over amino acids 1–152.
rab-8 Ras-related protein Rab-8A [ Caenorhabditis elegans ]
2025年1月4日 · Title: SMGL-1/NBAS acts as a RAB-8 GEF to regulate unconventional protein secretion. Data show that elipsa encodes a coiled-coil polypeptide that localizes to cilia, and that it interacts genetically with Rabaptin5, a well-studied regulator of endocytosis, which in turn interacts with Rab8, a small GTPase, known to localize to cilia.
非常规蛋白分泌过程中 RAB-8 和 RAB-11 的协调,Journal of Cell …
2023年11月29日 · 通过使用线虫极化肠上皮细胞,我们最近发现小 GTP 酶 RAB-8/Rab8 在该过程中发挥着重要作用。 尽管如此,人们对它的功能和相关 UcPS 行程仍然知之甚少。