Radar technology | TNO
TNO is among the best in the world with a focus on Active electronically scanned array (AESA) radars. The radar technology department develops radar knowledge at every level, from complete system concepts and architectures to integrated microwave circuits, antennas, real-time digital processing and signal processing algorithms.
CARPET: computer-aided radar performance evaluation tool - tno…
CARPET appeared on the market in 1993 and is presumably the most widely used radar performance assessment program. Since the initial release date radar systems have evolved; solid state RF power generation is now commonplace, like …
Radar technologie | TNO
Onze afdeling radartechnologie ontwikkelt radarkennis op ieder niveau. Van complete systeemconcepten en architecturen tot geïntegreerde microgolfschakelingen, antennes, real-time digitale processing, en signaalverwerkingsalgoritmes.
TNO voert al sinds 1995 radarhinderberekeningen uit voor Defensie en heeft daarmee dus ruime ervaring met het berekenen van door windturbines en hoogbouw veroorzaakte radarverstoring. De door TNO gehanteerde en ontwikkelde methodiek voor de berekening van de afname van de radarprestaties is met het Ministerie van Defensie overeengekomen.
CARPET version 3: computer-aided radar performance evaluation …
The performance assessment of radar systems is a complicated task because of the interaction of many subsystems and the presence of a complex environment. Knowledge and experience gained from several disciplines are necessary to complete the task successfully.
Development of passive radar systems at TNO
Since 2002, the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research – TNO, has been involved in the development of passive radar systems for research purposes. The development has been sponsored partly by the Royal Netherlands Air Force – whose main interest is threat evaluation – and partly by own funds.
Amber : Een revolutie in Radar - resolver.tno.nl
Eind dit jaar verwachtTNO versie 4.0 op te leveren van zijn betaalbare digitale multibeamradar Amber. Het systeem is oorcpronkelijk ontwikkeld voor kleine toestellen die vliegen zonder hulp van de verkeersleiding. lnmiddels kijken de TN0'ers naar veel meer toepassingen, van havenbewaking tot zorg op afstand. Bits & Bytes (28 januari), pp. 28-29.
Insitu, GKN Aerospace and TNO Team Up to Develop Advanced Radar …
The system is based on TNO’s AMBER, Affordable Multi-BEam Radar technology, and combines in real time simultaneously several ISR functions, including Zoom Synthetic Aperture Radar (ZSAR), Ground Moving Target Indication (GMTI) and Maritime capabilities, into the M-RaISR, Multi-mission Radar Intelligence Surveillance Reconnaissance system.
Radar: Phased Array radar research - Museum Waalsdorp
In the early 1960s, TNO started the development of phased array radars; radars whose antennas are stationary. The position of the equiphase plane in space of this type of antenna can be changed very quickly with electronics. These stationary antennas are …
Advanced Multifunction Imaging Radar System for UAV
2021年10月14日 · Based on TNO’s AMBER (Affordable Multi-BEam Radar) technology, the system simultaneously combines in real time several Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) functions, including Zoom Synthetic Aperture Radar (ZSAR), Ground Moving Target Indication (GMTI) and Maritime capabilities into the M-RaISR (Multi-mission Radar ...