AMD Radeon™ R9 270 Drivers
Compatible with desktop AMD Radeon™ R9 Fury series, R9 380, R9 390 series, and Radeon RX 400 series products with Windows® 7/8.1/10. Requires an HDR capable display and game content. Requires supported Chrome™ web browser …
AMD Radeon R9 270X Specs | TechPowerUp GPU Database
The Radeon R9 270X was a performance-segment graphics card by AMD, launched on October 8th, 2013. Built on the 28 nm process, and based on the Curacao graphics processor, in its Curacao XT variant, the card supports DirectX 12.
AMD Radeon R9 270X Review - PCMag
2014年2月10日 · The AMD Radeon R9 270X ($199 list) is AMD's new midrange graphics card aimed at gamers who want strong 1080p
Radeon R9 270X显卡简析 - 超能网2014巨献:9款R9 270X显卡横 …
重装上阵的 R9 270X显卡不仅性能更高,而且价位朴实了许多,遥想当初HD 7870发布时售价高达299美元/2999人民币,现在的R9 270X只要199美元/1399-1599元,腰斩了一半。 Radeon R9 270X核心规格
The AMD Radeon R9 270X & R9 270 Review: Feat. Asus & HIS - AnandTech
2013年11月13日 · We’ve already seen the first step of that process with the launch of the Radeon R9 280X, and now we’re ready to take a look at the next step with the Radeon R9 270 series. The Radeon R9...
AMD Radeon R9 270X - 中关村在线
2013年10月15日,AMD在中国区市场正式发布了新一代游戏显卡Radeon R7/R9。Radeon R7/R9不仅提供了包括DirectX 11.2游戏特效以及增强型Eyefinity等全新特性,还进一步通过全新的Mantle API提升了旗下游戏显卡的优化层级和优化程 [阅读全文]
Radeon R9 270X GAMING 2G - MSI
As a world leading gaming brand, MSI is the most trusted name in gaming and eSports. We stand by our principles of breakthroughs in design, and roll out the amazing gaming gear like motherboards, graphics cards, laptops and desktops.
【AMD Radeon R9 270X参数】AMD Radeon R9 270X显示芯片 …
ZOL中关村在线AMD Radeon R9 270X显示芯片参数提供最全的AMD Radeon R9 270X参数、AMD Radeon R9 270X规格、AMD Radeon R9 270X性能、AMD Radeon R9 270X功能介绍,为您购买AMD Radeon R9 270X显示芯片提供有价值的参考
Specification Radeon R9 270X HAWK | 微星科技 - MSI
- 三重超压功能:可同时调整GPU/Memory/PLL频率与电压值,全方位激发出显示适配器的效能潜力。 - 三重温度监测:此功能搭配超频软件Afterburner,能同时监测并控制GPU/Memory/PLL的电压与温度状况。 - V-Check Points:替超频者提供迅速便利的外接电压监控接口,为超频玩家必备的完善便利的超频监控系统。 此软件包含所有您所需的即时消息,像是实时的 MSI 产品新闻,实时每日讯息,实时个人时程计划管理,实时搜寻以及共多功能,等着您来体验。 微星科技全 …
AMD Radeon R9 270X 2 GB Review - TechPowerUp
2013年10月7日 · AMD's new Radeon R9 270X matches last generation's HD 7950 in performance while still coming at an attractive $200 price point. We were a bit disappointed by the reference-design cooler, but board partners will soon release their own designs with custom heatsinks that will perform better.