Rai San'yō - Wikipedia
Rai San'yō (Japanese: 頼 山陽; 21 January 1780, Aki Province – 16 October 1832, Kyoto) was a Japanese Confucianist philosopher, historian, artist and poet of the later Edo period. His true name was Rai Noboru .
Rai Sanyo - Japanese Wiki Corpus
Sanyo RAI (January 21, 1780 - October 16, 1832) was a historian, composer of Chinese poetry and literary man who lived in the end of the Edo period. He also had a profound knowledge of art. He was also a scholar of Yomeigaku (Wan Yanming school of neo Confucianism) and had a great influence on Heihachiro OSHIO.
Rai San’yō 頼山陽 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Artist: Rai San’yō 頼山陽 (Japanese, 1780–1832) Period: Edo period (1615–1868) Date: dated 1824. Culture: Japan. Medium: Handscroll; ink on silk. Dimensions: 11 7/8 x 116 3/4 in. (30.2 x 296.5 cm) Classification: Calligraphy
赖山阳 - 《中国大百科全书》第三版网络版
2023年10月25日 · 日本近世史学家,江户时代后期的代表性文人。 名襄,字子成,号山阳、三十六峰外史,通称久太郎。 生于大阪,卒于三本木。 其父赖春水曾在大阪开设私塾青山社,而后春水被广岛藩任用,赖山阳遂随父转移到广岛,后随其叔父赖杏坪在江户学习,师从尾藤二洲。 回藩以后企图脱藩到京都,被发现后在广岛禁足。 此后,赖山阳专心著述,写作《日本外史》。 1809年任广岛藩学问所助教。 1809年被菅茶山招聘为廉塾塾头。 1818年脱藩到京都,在洛 …
Rai Sanyo Historic Site Museum - 広島県教育委員会
Rai Sanyo (1780-1832) was one of those litterateurs; he made his name as a historian, poet, calligrapher, artist, and so what in the late Edo period, when the samurai age was going to be put an end to in about fifty years. He is now well-known as the author of ‘Nihon-Gaishi’ (an unofficial history of Japan), which had a significant ...
江戸時代後期の日本を代表する漢学者で、歴史・文学・美術などのさまざまな分野で活躍しました。 歴史の分野では、没後に出版された『日本外史』がベストセラーとなり、幕末から明治初期の人々に大きな影響を与えました。 文学の分野では、数多くの詩文を作り、川中島の合戦を題材にした「鞭声粛々」の詩や、天草洋の風景を詠んだ「天草洋に泊す (雲か山か)」の詩などは幅広く愛誦されています。 また、美術の分野では、能書家として著名で、絵画についても「耶 …
RAI's praise of SU Shi's historical and policy argumentation conforms to the practical thought of pursuing the transformation of reality in the late Edo period, and also contributes to the popularity of Dongpo Policy. RAI Sanyo became an iconic figure, indicating the acceptance of SU Shi 's articles during the Edo period turns to historical and ...
RAI Sanyo 's Acceptance of SU Shi's Articles——Focus on …
RAI Sanyo, a Japanese Sinologist in the late Edo period, was known as "Japanese SU Shi". RAI's acceptance of SU Shi's articles was widely found in his literary criticism and creation, and centered on historical and policy argumentation. As an article critic, RAI analyzed and summarized SU Shi's five organizations of writing, pointing …
Rai Sanyo - Brief Sketch of Japanese Painter - Jyuluck-Do
Rai Sanyo (1781 - 1832) Confucianist at the latter part of the Edo period (1603-1868). Sanyo was born in Osaka as a son of Rai Harumizu, official confucianist of Hiroshima Domain.
頼山陽/Web書画ミュージアム - nagaragawagarou.com
頼山陽 Rai Sanyo(Rai Sanyou) 安永9年(1780)~天保3年(1832) 大坂江戸堀北一丁目(大阪市西区江戸堀)にあった父、頼春水の私塾「春水南軒」で生まれる。名、襄。字、子成。通称、久太郎。別号、三十六峰外史。父春水は広島藩儒。