1P76 Rakurs and Rakurs A-1 by NPZ - RussianOptics
Rakurs is a very modern non-magnified collimating 'red dot' type sight which uses a German Post reticule instead of the traditional dot. Similar in design to the PK-AS with an always-on etched …
Rakurs A - BearOptics Warehouse
Rakurs-A New optical military extreme tactical combat Prism sight. It not only fills the role of the traditional red dot as a CQB short range/fast acquisition sight, but also has unique features …
Atlantic Firearms,llc - AtlanticFirearms.com
The Rakurs-A is the leading edge of collimating technology from the NPZ factory. The Rakurs-A will fit AK-74, AK-74M, AK-101, AK-102, AK-105, AK-107, AK-108, and AH-94 rifles and …
Optics - russiansurplus.net
The PO1X20, formerly called "Rakurs" is a modern collimator "red dot" type, non-magnifying sight. It is manufactured by NPZ (Novosibirskiy Priborostroitelniy Zavod) in Russia. It comes with an …
Rakurs - ГК Ракурс
The Rakurs Group is one of the leaders in the Russian industrial automation market. Since 1991 we have been gaining expertise in developing automated process control systems (APCS) for …
Rakurs - Vikipediya
Rakurs (fransuzcha: „raccourcir“ — qisqartirmoq) — tasviriy sanʼatda turli narsalarni perspektiv qisqartirib aks ettirish. Bezak rassomligida rakurs fazoviy kenglik va harakatni oʻta samarali …
Collimator PO 1X20 "Rakurs" - russiansurplus.net
The PO1X20, formerly called "Rakurs" is a modern collimator "red dot" type, non-magnifying sight. It is manufactured by NPZ (Novosibirskiy Priborostroitelniy Zavod) in Russia. It comes with an …
Rakurs značenje, definicija i primjeri - Jezikoslovac
Što znači RAKURS, definicija i primjeri rečenica za riječ RAKURS na hrvatskom online rječniku i leksikonu Jezikoslovac.com
rakurs – značenje – Opšte obrazovanje
rakurs (francuski raccourci): 1. u filmskoj umetnosti: ugao iz kojeg se snima kamerom (donji (žablji) rakurs – snimanje kamerom iz donje perspektive, odozdo; gornji (ptičji) rakurs – …
SPC "Rakurs"
More than 25 years we create Russian engineering history. Rakurs successfully realized projects in Russia, CIS, India, China, Angola. Our company gained experience in creation of the …
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