Rakvere - Wikipedia
Rakvere is the administrative center, or county seat, of Lääne-Viru County in northern Estonia, about 100 km southeast of Tallinn and 20 km south of the Gulf of Finland and the Baltic Sea. From the 13th century until the early 20th century, Rakvere was more widely known by its historical German name Wesenberg(h).
Rakvere Castle - Visit Estonia
The castle in Rakvere offers a lot of excitement for the entire family! When you enter the castle, you will find yourself in a theme park representing the everyday life of the 16th century.
拉克韋雷 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
拉克韋雷(愛沙尼亞語: Rakvere )是爱沙尼亚 西維魯縣的一个城市型市镇,也是西维鲁县的首府。距芬蘭灣以南約20公里。市镇面积为11平方公里 [1] ,2021年时人口数量为14,941人 [2] 。
Rakvere – Vikipeedia
Rakvere on linn Lääne-Viru maakonnas, maakonna haldus-, majandus- ja kultuurikeskus. Rakvere kohal asunud keskaegset Tarvanpää kindlusasulat on esmakordselt mainitud 1226. aastal. Rakvere on ametlikult linn alates 12. juunist 1302, kui Taani kuningas Erik VI Menved andis Rakverele Lübecki linnaõiguse.
Rakvere, Estonia: All You Must Know Before You Go (2025 ... - Tripadvisor
Rakvere Tourism: Tripadvisor has 2,233 reviews of Rakvere Hotels, Attractions, and Restaurants making it your best Rakvere resource.
Rakvere – Travel guide at Wikivoyage
Rakvere (Tarbapea in ancient Estonian, Weisenberg in German, Rakowor in Russian) is Estonia ’s fifth largest city and situated the northern part of the country, 20 km south of the Gulf of Finland and approximately 100 km east of Tallinn and west of Narva. Its earliest signs of human settlement date back to the 3rd-5th century.
Rakvere - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Rakvere is a town in northern Estonia and is the capital of the Lääne-Viru County. It is 20 km south of the Gulf of Finland of the Baltic Sea.
Visitrakvere – Rakvere tourism page
Avasta Rakvere peidetud pärlid! Siit leiate üles kaunimad vaatamisväärsused, suussulavad toidud, parimad majutusasutused, kaunid matkarajad ja põnevad sündmused. Vajuta siia, et planeerida unustamatu külastus kaunis rohelises Eestimaa linnas – Rakveres.
拉克韦 - 百度百科
拉克韦(Rakvere)是 爱沙尼亚 的第五大城市,在爱沙尼亚北部, 距芬兰湾南部20公里。 拉克韦也是一个有吸引力的和发展迅速的情趣小镇,例如,拉克韦是爱沙尼亚第一个朋克音乐节发源地,这里也是著名的国际摇滚音乐节主办的“绿色圣诞“。 自1994年以来,一年两次的国际戏剧节”Baltoscandal“也在这里举行,年轻的导演们都愿意来这里体验友好、而略带疯狂的欧洲最小的戏剧城市的氛围。 因此,也难怪,拉克韦的座右铭是“充满力量”。 该市是一个多样化的短期度假 …
Rakvere — Vikipēdija
Rakvere 19. gadsimta vidū (Štafenhāgens).1226. gadā Latviešu Indriķis Livonijas hronikā aprakstīja Viruzemes koka pili Tarvanpea, kas stāvēja uz kalna šīs pilsētas apkārtnē. Livonijas krusta karu laikā koka pili iznīcināja. Pēc kara cietokšņa drupu vietā tika uzbūvēta liela akmens pils. 1268. gada 18. februārī Lietuvas-Livonijas kara (1262—1282) laikā pie Rakveres ...