1994 年, mala 公司推出地面雷达(ramac/gpr), 该雷达可与孔中天线兼容。 ramac/gpr 采用最新技术, 并形成自己的特点, 逐渐得到世界上广大用户的认可与喜 爱。目前在世界市场的占有率已超过53%。尤其是在北美和欧洲以其集成化程度高、体积
MALÅ Ground Penetrating Radar - Guideline Geo
MALÅ is the world’s premier provider of ground penetration radar (GPR) solutions, enabling professionals to create, analyze and transform vast amounts of complex data into easily understandable representations of the subsurface.
RAMAC/GPR地质雷达 - 百度百科
RAMAC/GPR地质雷达是一种用于土木建筑工程领域的科学仪器,于2003年11月25日启用。 主机部分 l RAMAC探地雷达最新第三代数字式主机(ProEx):(必配)通用型主机(ProEx )可用汉化采集软件Ground Vision中文Windows2000/xp下进行操作。 它通过以太网通讯 100Mbit/s为了应用最新电子技术及满足工程需要,MALA公司推出第三代数字式雷达主机ProEx。 新主机ProEx能够更加适合高级和专业用户。 可与RAMAC/GPR的所有天线兼容,天线与主机间采用光纤真数 …
Ground Penetrating Radar- MALÅ ProEx - Guideline Geo
Designed on a modular platform, MALÅ ProfessionalExplorer (ProEx) is the most versatile control unit in the MALÅ range and replaces the world famous RAMAC/GPR CUII. MALÅ ProEx control unit, coupled with the MALÅ XV Monitor is compatible with a broad range of antennas and offers a flexible and versatile approach to detecting subsurface ...
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In its simplest form the RAMAC/GPR system consists of an external PC, a Radar Control Unit, a transmitter antenna and a receiver antenna. The Radar Control Unit is connected to the transmitter and the receiver antenna with optical fibres and to the computer with a parallel communication cable.
RAMAC / GPR Radar Systems - Public Works .com
The RAMAC/GPR instrument is a modernisation of the first borehole radar tool but is a completely separate and new product. Since its introduction the RAMAC/GPR system has become famous for its portability, modularity, flexibility and speed.
MALA GeoScience介紹
ramac/gpr 透地雷達系統是瑞典品質的儀器在全世界獲得極大得成功。 由於具有應用上的彈性且堅固及現代化的設計,均使得 RAMAC/GPR 確實是獨一無二的產品。
Ground Penetrating Radar - Department of Geology at Sonoma …
Ground Penetrating Radar (GPS): MALA RAMAC X3M GPR with shielded 250MHz antenna . Our equipment: The X3M is an integrated radar control unit, fitted directly on a shielded antenna and powered externally. The built-in electronic design makes it low weight and compact size system, easier to assemble and operate.
RAMAC_GPR地质雷达探测技术及其应用 - 道客巴巴
2012年4月26日 · 3 工程应用ramac gpr 地质雷达不仅可以探测堤坝隐患, 还广泛用于基岩探测、 第四系地层划分、 滑坡预测、 溶洞和裂隙探测、 隧道开挖撑子面前的地质灾害预测、 高速公路和机场跑道的地基及质量检测、 水底沉积和埋藏物探测、 地下埋藏物(金属管线、 墓穴 ...
Mala GeoScience GPR : User's Manual - ManualShelf
2 General _____ 2.1 General description of the GPR Technique In its simplest form the RAMAC/GPR system consists of an external PC, a Radar Control Unit, a transmitter antenna and a receiver antenna. The Radar Control Unit is connected to the transmitter and the receiver antenna with optical fibres and to the computer with a parallel ...