Ranking for KTH
KTH was lifted to 95th place among more than 2,000 universities worldwide in the 2025 Times Higher Education World University Ranking. The placement is two spots higher than where the university landed in the 2024 ranking, and the second best in Sweden. KTH’s score for Research Environment is one factor contributing to its overall higher ranking.
Ranking - Svenska Padelförbundet
Rankingen baseras svenska sanktionerade tävlingar samt internationella tävlingar som inkluderas i FIP Ranking. De svenska spelare som finns representerade top 500 på FIP:s ranking får dessa poäng x5 inkluderade i sin totala poäng.
Ranking: KTH best Swedish university in engineering and …
2023年10月31日 · In the latest 2024 Times Higher Education subject rankings (THE), KTH stands out as the premier Swedish institution for engineering and computer science, securing the 39th position globally in engineering and 61st in computer sciences.
Lund University in rankings
Lund University is the highest ranked comprehensive university in Sweden in the QS, U.S. News and THE rankings. Thematic rankings focus on performance in specific areas, such as sustainability or reputation. There are both rankings for broader subject areas (QS and THE) and rankings for specific subjects within these areas (QS).
Ranking and Karolinska Institutet | Karolinska Institutet
For 2024, ARWU ranks Karolinska Institutet at number 43 in the world and number 10 in Europe. In the field ”Nursing” KI is the eight in the world. In the field of ”Public Health”, KI ranks number 19 in the world and 6th in Europe.
Sveriges Kommun Ranking
Välkommen till Sveriges Kommun Ranking, din ultimata källa för att upptäcka de bästa platserna att bo i Sverige. Vi presenterar dem bästa ställena att bo i sverige baserat på en omfattande sammanställning av statistik från olika svenska myndigheter.
Rankings - Uppsala University
2023年6月28日 · Uppsala University comes in 88th place in the latest international Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU), also known as the Shanghai ranking. This means Uppsala University takes second place in Sweden behind Karolinska Institutet, which is 43rd on the list.
Här är årets rankning av världens universitet | Akavia Aspekt
Rankningen från Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) anses vara en av de tre mest använda och mest inflytelserika universitetsrankningarna i världen och det brittiska utbildningsföretaget har presenterat rankningen för 2023. Av dessa är alltså åtta stycken svenska lärosäten med i …
Lund University in the top 100 in THE ranking
2024年10月9日 · Lund University is rated in the top 100 in the THE and the QS (placed 75). In 2024, Lund University achieved a significant improvement in the ARWU ranking, also known as the Shanghai ranking (101-150). Also worth mentioning is Lund University’s ranking at 8 in the world on the QS WUR: Sustainability.
Uppsala University in the top 90 in new global ranking
2024年8月16日 · Uppsala University comes in 88th place in the latest international Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU), also known as the Shanghai ranking. This means Uppsala University takes second place in Sweden behind Karolinska Institutet, which is 43rd on the list.
Rankings and recognition - Umeå universitet
2024年10月15日 · Umeå University is among the top universities in the world according to recent, highly-respected ranking tables. In addition, we are among the global elite in several academic areas. See the ranking websites for more information about their methodologies and metrics.
Ranking - Svenskt Näringsliv
2024年9月25日 · I Svenskt Näringslivs ranking av kommunernas företagsklimat förbättrar sig 10 av länets 14 kommuner. Boden tar förstaplatsen i länet följt av Arvidsjaur. Flera av länets kommuner utmärker sig också genom sin långsiktiga förbättring.
University ranking lists - Linköping University
University ranking lists use different methods to measure quality of universities and other institutions of higher education. Listed below are the rankings that are of relevance to Linköping University.
Stockholm University top 50 in the world in three subjects in the …
6 天之前 · The ranking covers a total of 55 disciplines, grouped into five broad faculty areas. Three subjects ranked within the top 50. Three subjects at Stockholm University are ranked among the top 50 in the world: Social Policy and Administration (30) …
Stockholm University in world ranking tables - Stockholm …
Stockholm University is in the top 200 in the world and ranked fourth in Sweden. The ranking is based on the following criteria: QS also ranks by subject. 55 disciplines are grouped into five broad subject areas. Three disciplines at Stockholm …
Accreditations and rankings - About the University - Jönköping …
2024年10月10日 · Since 2023, Jönköping University has been included in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings, which list the world’s top universities. Out of approximately 20,000 institutions worldwide, 1,800 are ranked, with Jönköping University placed in the 601-800 range, positioning it among the top 5% of global universities.
Rankings - Uppsala University
2024年8月16日 · Uppsala University has during recent years, with a few exceptions, ranked among the top 100 universities in the world by the three big international rankings lists, Times Higher Education (THE), QS World University Rankings and ARWU (Shanghai Ranking).
LiU – among the top 2 percent in the world - Linköping University
Anna Nilsen LiU's position in the three international rankings usually considered the most significant is: 301–400 Academic Rankings of World Universities (ARWU, also known as the Shanghai Ranking).
Uppsala University climbing in world rankings
2023年8月16日 · Uppsala University has climbed seven places from 89 to 82 in the international Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU), also known as the Shanghai Ranking. This means Uppsala University has taken second place in Sweden behind Karolinska Institutet.
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