Rankit - Wikipedia
In statistics, rankits of a set of data are the expected values of the order statistics of a sample from the standard normal distribution the same size as the data. They are primarily used in the …
RankerToolWebsite/RanKit - GitHub
RANKIT is an interactive online system for personalized rank building and data visualization. Many publically available rankings do not expose the attributes used to compose the ranking, …
使用 rankit 构建更科学的排名 | Dedication
2016年2月5日 · rankit 提供了 Converter,只要用户能提供排名对象的每一轮的比赛结果(用 pandas.DataFrame 表示并包含特定的 columns),就能够为后续的算法计算出矩阵。 在不同 …
rankit: 构建科学的排名 - V2EX
2016年2月5日 · 我一直在试图为 Bangumi 解决动画排名的问题,但是这一次我决定使用一些更加高级的方法。 这个更加高级的解决方案就是 rankit. 什么是排名? 对于大多数程序员来说,排 …
[技术博客] 较科学的排名算法介绍与实现 - 提不起劲想赶紧完工
写完以后发现有人造了一个rankit的python库,更加完善。 就我们项目来说还是自己造的轮子舒服一点,因为这个库需要先把数据转成pandas的dataframe再调用,如果是新项目的话使用这个 …
GitHub - MayankRawat06/RankIt: RankIt is a customizable …
RankIt is a customizable ranking system implemented in Python that uses the TOPSIS method to assign scores to a given set of items and rank them based on these scores.
GitHub - wattlebird/ranking
What is Rankit? Rankit is a project facilitating ranking process through pairwise comparision. Suppose there's a soccer/football/baseball competition consisting of a series of matches, one …
RankIt: Ranked choice polling in a snap. Create your poll using our simple, intuitive editor. Vote using our interactive ballot. Ready to start?
RankIt - Private ELO-Ladders
RankIt is a free service that allows you to create and manage your own private ELO-ladders. Create your ELO-ladders. Suits well for office sports like table tennis, dart & pool, or for …
Rankit 2.0
Based on your goals, Rankit will offer you the right communities to achieve them. Define your budget, goals and approve communities and contents with one click. Watch your numbers …