These results suggest that under appropriate conditions rats are able to fonii simple cognitive maps of their environment. For most animals, effective foraging, and thus survival, requires the ability to tiavigate. Animals may navigate by using objects, or landmarks, as cues by which to orient themselves (Cartwright & Collett, 1983).
Cognitive map - Wikipedia
A cognitive map is a spatial representation of the outside world that is kept within the mind, until an actual manifestation (usually, a drawing) of this perceived knowledge is generated, a mental map. Cognitive mapping is the implicit, mental mapping the explicit part of the same process.
Cognitive Maps in Bemazed Rats, and Humans - Mapping as Process
2021年4月5日 · That is, rats learn the maze not by direct stimulus-response but by building up a flexible cognitive map, one that might accommodate new information. The further question for Tolman was whether rats develop a cognitive map from “relatively narrow” strips or “relatively broad and comprehensive” structures.
The cognitive map in humans: Spatial navigation and beyond
The ‘cognitive map’ hypothesis proposes that brain builds a unified representation of the spatial environment to support memory and guide future action. Forty years of electrophysiological research in rodents suggests that cognitive maps are ...
COGNITIVE MAPS IN RATS AND MEN[ 1 ] - California State …
Let me begin by presenting diagrams for a couple of typical mazes, an alley maze and an elevated maze. In the typical experiment a hungry rat is put at the entrance of the maze (alley or elevated), and wanders about through the various true path segments and blind alleys until he finally comes to the food box and eats.
A Map Construction Method Based on the Cognitive Mechanism of Rat …
2022年3月11日 · To this end, we propose a map construction model based on the rat brain hippocampus, which uses saccade sensory motor sequences to simulate visual memory pathways and calculates the similarity information between the current environment and the visual template library for obtaining the closed-loop points in the odometer.
Development of the Hippocampal Cognitive Map in Preweanling …
2010年6月18日 · Place, head-direction, and grid cells in the hippocampal formation provide allocentric representations of space. Here we show how these cognitive representations emerge and develop as rat pups first begin to explore their environment.
A real‐time cognitive map construction method based on the …
2024年9月14日 · The firing of spatial cells in the entorhinal-hippocampal structure is believed to enable the formation of a cognitive map for the environment. Inspired by the spatial cognitive mechanism of the rat's brain, the authors proposed a real-time cognitive map construction method based on the entorhinal-hippocampal working mechanism.
The mosaic structure of the mammalian cognitive map
2024年1月17日 · The cognitive map, proposed by Tolman in the 1940s, is a hypothetical internal representation of space constructed by the brain to enable an animal to undertake flexible spatial behaviors such as navigation.
Cognitive Maps in Rats and Robots - Academia.edu
We provide a general description of the bio-inspired model, and a comparative behavioral analysis between rats and robot. This paper presents a robot architecture with spatial cognition and navigation capabilities that captures some properties of the rat brain structures involved in learning and memory.