Rapid Application Tourniquet System (RATS) TQ - EMTLIFE
2015年1月27日 · The CAT TQ causes an extreme amount of pain but it is effective, it left a welt on my thigh for 3 days after the application. I've seen the RATS TQ and was skeptical due to …
Rapid Application Tourniquet System (RATS) TQ - EMTLIFE
2017年11月3日 · I will continue to carry the CAT on my person. If some one has yo do Buddy aid on me I want them to be familiar with the device.
ACE wrap tourniquet? - EMTLIFE
2015年1月29日 · Where just the windlass on a CAT is longer than the chest dart package I don't think he liked the bulk for EDC. For those that conceal carry a gun every day it's a good idea …
Anyone heard of using a BP cuff as a tourniquet? | Page 2 | EMTLIFE
2013年7月10日 · Remember that a subpressured TQ of any sort may actually promote bleeding from incompletely severed vascular regions due to closing the veins but not the arteries …
Old school Military 1st Aid training | EMTLIFE
2023年2月18日 · Nicky K.D Chaleunphone, FF/EMT, FSO VE, DV United States Coast Guard Auxiliary, 1st SR, Flotilla 14-25-06
First Aid for Brownies/Girl Scouts | EMTLIFE
2015年4月12日 · When I helped teach a class we went over the basics of hemorrhage control (including TQ application), splinting, C-spine immobilization, heat/cold emergencies, …
Remove Bystander-Applied Tourniquet? | EMTLIFE
2016年9月15日 · Unless it has been on there for an extended period of time, I'd just remove it. I've brought in a patient with a tourniquet that I had placed an hour earlier and the doctor just …
Should Tactical Medics be armed? | Page 3 - EMTLIFE
2017年7月27日 · Someone gets shot/stabbed/falls 0ff the 2nd floor balcony/swallows all their drugs at once to get rid of the evidence/has a heart attack from the sudden action/etc....SWAT …
Who carries a med kit in their vehicle off-duty? - EMTLIFE
2020年12月27日 · I keep a basic IFAK (tq, chest seal, etc) but anything that looks like a useful bag will just get you a smashed window around here, unfortunately. My jump bag that I've had …
Why can't Paramedics act off duty? | Page 2 | EMTLIFE
2015年7月11日 · As long as you're authorized to have an ALS take-home kit, you ride in if you can't downgrade the patient to BLS, you sign their report as the tech, and you notify EMSA …