Online guided reading program with interactive ebooks, downloadable books, and reading quizzes.
英语启蒙分级阅读,首推RAZ!(超详细攻略) - 知乎专栏
raz风靡全球,目前已开发出多个语言版本。 国内市场推出了法语和西班牙语RAZ,均从aa—Z级。 我儿子目前正在学习法语,用的阅读绘本也是RAZ,上手非常快。
英语启蒙/分级阅读必看,RAZ超全攻略(资源,最新各版本对比, …
2024年10月28日 · 如果孩子已经上了小学,时间精力有限,那么可以选择学而思的引进版本raz或者盖世原版的raz。 学而思内容方面有删减,可搭配练习册和app进行测试和游戏互动,适合短时间快速提升孩子的词汇量。
2023年8月18日 · 我们是一年级开始正式读 RAZ 的,最开始几个月也试图让他自己读出来,结果发现语言环境不够,他记不住,就算多次重复也有很多不认识的单词 ...
About Raz-Kids
Raz-Kids is an award-winning teaching product that provides comprehensive leveled reading resources for students. With hundreds of eBooks offered at 29 different levels of reading difficulty, it's easy to put the right content in every student's hands.
Online Reading Resources for Students & Teachers | Raz-Kids
Teachers use raz-kids.com to roster students, set initial reading levels, and quizzes while students access their accounts through the Kids A-Z mobile app or webpage. Whether in the classroom or remote learning environments, Raz-Kids is the trusted tool to foster literacy growth.
Raz-Plus: The online reading program with downloadable books …
Award-winning reading solution with thousands of leveled readers, lesson plans, worksheets and assessments to teach guided reading, reading proficiency and comprehension to K-5 students
Learning A to Z(Raz)分级阅读软件详细使用方法 - 小花生
2024年3月20日 · 分级阅读哪家牛,地表最强raz-详细聊聊raz Reading A-Z,是美国Learning A-Z旗下最著名的一款在线阅读产品。 RAZ网站的阅读资源按难度分级,从aa 到z2,一共29个等级,3000多本读物,内容涵盖文学艺术、科普读物、人物传记等多个领域。
英语启蒙分级阅读,首推RAZ!(超详细攻略) - 小花生
2020年5月27日 · raz风靡全球,目前已开发出多个语言版本。 国内市场推出了法语和西班牙语RAZ,均从aa—Z级。 我儿子目前正在学习法语,用的阅读绘本也是RAZ,上手非常快。
Raz-Kids At A Glance Video - Learning A-Z
Raz Kids is an award-winning K-5 online reading resource kids use to practice reading and improve their literacy skills, anytime, anywhere. Students have access to a library of interactive eBooks offered at 29 different levels of reading difficulty.