Identification of and half-life determinations for Cs and Ba …
Half-life determinations of Rb and Cs fission products available at an on-line mass separator have been made for several neutron-rich Rb, Sr, Cs, and Ba isotopes using both $\ensuremath {\beta}$-multiscale and $\ensuremath {\gamma}$-multispectra measurements.
Fission yield measurements of Rb, Sr, Cs and Ba isotopes far from …
1981年1月1日 · The surface ionization process provides a means of selective separation of the isotopes of Rb and Cs by the use of a Ta ionizing surface and of the isotopes of Sr and Rb, or Ba and Cs, by the use of a Re: ionizing surface.
Half life determination of some short-lived isotopes of Rb, Sr, Cs, …
The existence of an isomeric state in 90Rb appears likely in view of the measured half-lives and y spectrum of this isotope. A mass-spectrometer has been installed directly in the external beam of the Orsay synchrocyclotron to produce isotopically separated short-lived Rb and Cs isotopes from 238U fission induced by 150 MeV protons.
2023年1月10日 · 本研究以六盘山朝那湫湖泊73cm长度 (1743~2012A.D.的沉积序列)岩芯沉积物Rb/Sr比值为分析对象, 结合同一岩芯其他主要元素以及古气候代用指标 (TOC、C/N比值、<i>δ</i><sup>13</sup>C<sub>org</sub>等)指示的环境变化信息, 对朝那湫湖泊沉积物Rb/Sr比值在十年/数十年尺度上的古 ...
Rb-Sr同位素 - 百度百科
Rb 、Sr这两种微量元素中通常包含了重要的成岩信息 , 尤其是在研究花岗岩的成因方面具有独特之处 。因为花岗岩岩石中, Sr 通常以类质同象的形式存在于斜长石和磷灰石等早期形成的矿物中 …
(PDF) Experimental partitioning of Rb, Cs, Sr, and Ba between …
1996年5月1日 · We attribute the high uptake of Rb and Cs in K-feldspar to kinetic effects associated with rapid crystal growth in an undercooled water-saturated melt.
Experimental partitioning of Rb, Cs, Sr, and Ba between alkali …
1996年6月1日 · Hydrous partial melting experiments performed between 650 and 750 °C at 200 MPa (H 2 O) on synthetic metapelite compositions (quartz + albite + muscovite + biotite mineral mixtures) doped with Ba, Sr, Rb, and Cs yielded alkali feldspar crystals with a wide range of compositions in equilibrium at their rims with peraluminous melt.
others use LILE to refer to a specific subset of incompatible trace elements characterized by large ionic radius to ionic charge ratio (or low ”field strength” elements). The term was first used by Gast (1972) to encompass the cations K, Rb, Sr, Cs, Ba, REE, Th and U. Gast also included Li as a …
Half-life measurements of Rb, Sr, Y, Cs, Ba, La and Ce isotopes with
1979年4月1日 · Mass-separated Rb, Sr, Cs, and Ba activities.
A comparison of unaltered basalts from ‘fast-spreading ridges’ and ‘slow- spreading ridges’ shows that K, Rb, Cs and Sr contents and K/Rb, K/Cs and Rb/Sr ratios are identical for both environments, while Ba contents and 87Sr/86Sr ratios may be significantly different.
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