国家重点研发计划项目“污染场地土层剖面钻进探测一体化技术与装备” 顺利开展现场示范验证. 本课题组主要从事现代原位测试理论与应用技术、特殊地基处理、环境岩土工程、海洋岩土工程、能源岩土工程等方面的研究。 专注于孔压静力触探CPTU、地震波孔压静力触探SCPTU、电阻率孔压静力触探RCPTU、热传导孔压静力触探TCPTU、T型与球型全流触探FFP、自落式动探FFT、膜界面探测器MIP、无线CPTU、荧光LIP-CPTU、光纤CPTU、取样CPTU、超深CPTU等系列技 …
Bulk soil electrical resistivity data recorded with a resistivity module situated behind a standard piezocone (called an RCPTU) provides an essentially independent quality control index at little...
(PDF) The Resistivity Piezocone Penetration Test (RCPTU) for …
1999年1月1日 · Bulk soil electrical resistivity data recorded with a resistivity module situated behind a standard piezocone (called an RCPTU) provides an essentially independent quality control...
Applications of RCPTU and SCPTU with other geophysical test methods in
Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) with RCPTU and SCPTU procedures are capable of detecting discrete horizons that would normally be missed using other tests at specific depth intervals.
该场地竖直方向上浅层气分布于25 m附近及30~35 m深度区间内,水平方向上则集中分布于RCPTU1点位附近。 可基于该结果提出针对性的防治对策,为布设排气孔、浅层气监测等治理措施提供依据。 关键词: 浅层气, 电阻率静力触探, 地质统计学, 可靠性分析. Abstract: The existence of underground shallow gas will pose significant hazard and risk to the investigation, construction, and subsequent operation of subway projects.
太原理工大学、东南大学等学校合作SCI新成果:使用电阻率压电酮 …
2023年1月1日 · 电阻率压电陶瓷渗透试验 (RCPTU)是一种新的土体状态表征方法,可以测量土体的原位孔隙压力和电阻率。 RCPTU还可测量标准圆锥贯入试验 (CPT)数据,如锥尖阻力和套筒摩擦。 在本研究中,研究人员在原位状态指数、抗液化性和RCPTU数据之间建立了新的相关性。 这些相关性可用于评估涉及高风险工程的场地的剪胀行为或液化敏感性。 研究结果表明,基于RCPTU的土壤状态表征提供了一种独立的“第一原理”方法来评估土壤的原位状态。 基 …
Evaluation of subsurface spatial variability in site characterization ...
2015年3月6日 · The resistivity piezocone penetration test (RCPTU) does not only include a conventional piezocone penetration test, but also provides a continuous profile of electrical resistivity. Therefore, RCPTUs have the potential for wide application in …
(PDF) The Resistivity Piezocone Penetration Test (RCPTU) for …
Bulk soil electrical resistivity data recorded with a resistivity module situated behind a standard piezocone (called an RCPTU) provides an essentially independent quality control index at little additional cost.
基于电阻率孔压静力触探RCPTU测试的染化污染场地评价研究 - 百 …
随着国民经济的飞速发展,工业污染对国民经济和国民健康的威胁日趋严峻.孔压静力触探 (CPTU)测试技术是一种新型的原位测试技术,具有快速,连续经济与可靠的优点.随着传感器技术的发展,国际上研发了一系列基于CPTU的新型传感器,电阻率传感器即是CPTU应用中所采用的一种新型传感器.通多电阻率CPTU的探测,可以获得土体中各个位置的电阻率数值,并且通过多个测试孔的数据得出土体中各个方向电阻率的变化趋势.本文以CPTU测试技术和已有的土电阻率理论为基础,结合了典 …
Resistivity Piezocone (RCPTU) Data Interpretation and Potential ...
The resistivity piezocone penetration test (RCPTU) provides standard piezocone data as well as measurements of the electrical resistivity of the soil around a module behind the piezocone.