REREADING Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of REREADING is an act of reading something again especially from a different perspective. How to use rereading in a sentence.
REREADING | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
the action of reading something again, for the second, third, etc. time: His rereading of Dickens revealed numerous mentions of the drink " grog ". A re-reading of his work suggests that he …
神奇的提示发现-重复阅读(Re-Reading)可以提升大型语言模型 …
2024年10月11日 · Effects of repeated reading on second-grade transitional readers’ fluency and comprehension. Reading Research Quarterly, pages 389–406. Yilun Du, Shuang Li, Antonio Torralba, Joshua B Tenenbaum和Igor Mordatch。
re-reading是什么意思_re-reading的翻译_音标_读音_用法_例句_爱 …
How can you possibly get into what you're reading when you're counting down the minutes? 你怎么可能在倒数计时,还能分心记下自己所阅读的东西? 爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供re-reading的中文意思,re-reading的用法讲解,re-reading的读音,re-reading的同义词,re-reading的反义词,re-reading的例句等英语服务。
rereading是什么意思_rereading的翻译_音标_读音_用法_例句_爱 …
REREAD | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary
I have not re-read them for this review. From The Atlantic It wasn't one of his suspenseful pauses; he was reading and rereading the name in genuine disbelief.
REREADING在剑桥英语词典中的解释及翻译 - Cambridge Dictionary
the action of reading something again, for the second, third, etc. time: His rereading of Dickens revealed numerous mentions of the drink " grog ". A re-reading of his work suggests that he predicted the future with incredible accuracy .
The Importance of Rereading | Foreign Language Teaching Methods: Reading
Rereading is the most effective type of reading, especially of foreign language texts, because it offers learners the opportunity to re-think messages and see features they have not noticed in initial reading. Before watching this clip, brainstorm about how you react when you read a text or watch a movie for the second time.
The Rereading/Rewriting Process: Theory and Collaborative, On …
Rereading should be more self-conscious, explorative, reformulative. At its best, re-reading is a slow-motion, imaginative experience which involves reading "into" the work for discovery and interactive recreation.
Why Rereading is an Important Reading Strategy for Comprehension
2019年12月16日 · Rereading books provides an opportunity to develop a deep understanding of a book’s plot or character development, something not possible by reading a book once. Exploring the text and illustrations helps children delve into the story’s message and make new connections, preparing them for more complex narratives.