PWA - Progressive Web Application · ReactPWA
A Progressive Web App (PWA) is a web app that uses modern web capabilities to deliver an app-like experience to users. These apps meet certain requirements (see below), are deployed to servers, accessible through URLs, and indexed by search engines.
React PWA
React PWA. Create Upgradable SEO Friendly Progressive web applications. Its fast and developer friendly And more importantly its UPGRADABLE! View all features. Download and get started. Lets get started with 3 simple steps: Cloning the repository:The command below will create a folder "react-pwa" relative to your current directory
ReactPWA: A developer friendly ReactJS boilerplate | ReactPWA …
Create Upgradable, SEO friendly Progressive web applications with ReactPWA. Its fast and developer friendly and more importantly its UPGRADABLE!
Docs - ReactPWA
Getting started with ReactPWA is very easy. It helps you create Progressive Web Apps easily. PWA is not the only option given to the developer, one can develop static sites with hash routing, enable/disable service workers and also create a simple deployable application. ReactPWA is very simple but extendable boilerplate built on top of PawJS ...
Initial setup - ReactPWA
Text editor or IDE pre-configured with React/JSX/ESlint; Quick Start. Clone the latest repository: $ git clone https://github.com/Atyantik/react-pwa.git $ cd react-pwa Run npm install to install dependencies This will install both run-time project dependencies and developer tools listed in package.json file. Run the project using npm start.
Server Side Rendering · ReactPWA
Here is where the server-side rendering comes in to the game. Instead of leaving all the work for the browser we may do everything on the server and send the final markup. And then React is smart enough to understand the markup that is currently on the page and reuse it. Consider using a SSR page when: The network is slow.
Redux - ReactPWA
Redux is a powerful tool to manage store for your application, but implementing it with SSR is a bit tricky. This plugin allows you to add Redux to this boilerplate with simple configurations.
Web App manifest · ReactPWA
"start_url": "/?utm_source=pwa" add a query string to the end of the start_url to track how often your app is launched. background_color. The background_color property is used on the splash …
Async routing - ReactPWA
A router allows your application to navigate between different components, changing the browser URL, modifying the browser history, and keeping the UI state in sync. However, as React focuses only on building user interfaces, it doesn’t have a built-in solution for routing. React Router is the most popular routing library for React ...
Features - ReactPWA
Essentially, a PWA is a website that is capable of being promoted to being native-ish. It gets many of the benefits of being a native app, but also has all the benefits of being a website too. Offline support. Use Service Worker to connect with your users even when they're not. Code Splitting