react-svg - npm
A React component that injects SVG into the DOM.. Latest version: 16.3.0, last published: 2 months ago. Start using react-svg in your project by running `npm i react-svg`. There are 499 other projects in the npm registry using react-svg.
How to use SVGs in React - LogRocket Blog
2024年3月4日 · In this article, we will explore the advances of using SVG over other image formats and various ways to implement SVGs in React applications, including their integration, animation, and usage as React components. Why use SVG over other image formats? You’re probably more familiar with image formats like JPEG, GIFs, and PNG than you are with SVG.
SVGR Playground - SVGR - react-svgr.com
Transforms SVG into React Components.
How to Import SVGs in a React and Vite app - freeCodeCamp.org
2022年7月1日 · Importing SVGs using the image tag is one of the easiest ways to use an SVG. If you initialize your app using CRA (Create React App), you can import the SVG file in the image source attribute, as it supports it off the bat.
How to Use SVG in React - Telerik
2023年10月17日 · There are multiple ways to use SVG in React, including inline SVG, SVG with the <img> tag, SVG as a reusable React component and SVG sprites. We will look at these methods in detail in the following sections.
How to use SVG in React: 7 ways to import SVG images (with ...
2024年10月31日 · This tutorial demonstrates how to use SVG images in React, including code examples of how to import SVG into React using several different tools and methods.
A React component that injects SVG into the DOM. - GitHub
This module does the heavy lifting for you by delegating the process to @tanem/svg-injector, which makes an AJAX request for the SVG and then swaps in the SVG markup inline. The async loaded SVG is also cached, so multiple uses of an SVG only require a single server request.