REBEL Amino Acid Analyzer for Cell Culture Media | 908 Devices
Enhance your bioprocess and improve efficiency of process development workflows with the REBEL, at-line cell culture media analyzer. The device allows you to monitor concentration changes of amino acids, vitamins, and amines in the media throughout the entire bioreactor run.
REBEL Brochure - 908 Devices
The REBEL is a novel, dedicated cell culture media analyzer designed for rapid, easy, and efficient amino acid and nutrient analysis. Combining award winning design with 908 Devices proven capillary electrophoresis and high-pressure mass spectrometry technologies, the REBEL provides process development scientists access to critical data at-line ...
MEET THE d nutrient analysis. Combining award winning design with 908 Devices proven capillary electrophoresis and high-pressure mass spectrometry technologies, the REBEL provides process development scientists access to critical d
培养基全自动分析仪 REBEL 上市_908 Devices - 仪器信息网
2020年3月17日 · 908Devices,化学和生物分子分析装备的先驱制造商,2019年8月宣布推出他们的新的生物过程分析仪REBEL。 这种首创的微型毛细管电泳-质谱联用(CE-MS)分析仪,让生物制药研究人员加速流程开发周期,可以实现在线、实时的细胞培养基成分分析,最大限度地利用生物反应器。 REBEL在8月12日至16日波士顿生物处理峰会上首次展示反叛组织。 生物治疗药是由活细胞产生的,并需要合适的培养基培育。 培养基作为动物细胞培养技术的重要元素之一, …
線下型細胞培養基生物製程分析 (PAT)儀
REBEL結合了908 Devices曾獲獎的毛細管電泳法 (Capillary Electrophoresis)設計與成熟的高壓質譜技術 ,製程開發人員只需15分鐘,便可隨時在線下 (At-Line)獲取關鍵的數據。
The REBEL puts the control in your hands. 10 minutes. Get quantitative identification and analysis on a panel of 30+ analytes including key amino acids, biogenic amines, and water-soluble vitamins. CSV and PDF. Patented technology 908devices.com/patents © 2021 908 Devices.
908DevicesREBEL 全自动生化分析仪_价格-908 Devices
为了充分整合培养基特定代谢物的分析,美国先进仪器制造商 908Devices 公司于 2019 年 8 月上线的一款全新的自动化细胞培养液分析仪,仪器型号为 REBEL, 英文中有颠覆传统的寓意,旨在重新定义培养基的分析流程。 REBEL 分析仪基于独创的微芯片毛细管电泳串联质谱联用技术,在无需复杂前处理的情况下(稀释和过滤即可),结合配套的 REBEL 试剂盒,可以在 7 分钟内一次性分析包含所有氨基酸在内的 33 种组分,成为当前细胞培养基开发技术的变革者。 如图所示为 …
908 Devices launches the Rebel, the first at-line spent cell media ...
2019年8月10日 · 908 Devices, a pioneer of analytical devices for chemical and biomolecular analysis, today announced the launch of their new bioprocess analyzer, the Rebel™. This first-of-its-kind, miniature CE-MS-based analyzer lets biopharma researchers accelerate process development cycles and maximize their bioreactor utilization by running media ...
REBEL - Bioprocessing
Enhance your bioprocess and improve efficiency of process development workflows with the REBEL, at-line cell culture media analyzer. The device allows you to monitor concentration changes of amino acids, vitamins, and amines in the media throughout the entire bioreactor run.
908 devieces REBEL - 仪器谱
为了充分整合培养基特定代谢物的分析,美国先进仪器制造商 908Devices 公司于 2019 年 8 月上线的一款全新的自动化细胞培养液分析仪,仪器型号为 REBEL, 英文中有颠覆传统的寓意,旨在重新定义培养基的分析流程。
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