AMR9 (Advanced Warfare) | Call of Duty Wiki | Fandom
The AMR9 (referred to as the hmr9 in the game files) is a burst fire submachine gun that appears in Call of Duty: Advanced... For the submachine gun in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III, see AMR9 (Modern Warfare III).
Best AMR9 Loadout: Warzone Season 2, Warzone Mobile, MW3
2022年11月16日 · The AMR9 Dominator: Crafting an Invincible Battle Royale Loadout. Discover the best way to optimize the AMR9 for the Battle Royale mode in Call of Duty: Warzone. This comprehensive guide takes a deep dive into the ultimate loadout and how its attachments elevate the weapon's performance, helping players dominate the battlefield.
AMR9 (Modern Warfare III) | Call of Duty Wiki | Fandom
"A fully automatic submachine gun chambered in 9mm, the AMR9 is a go-to for operatives who prefer to shred the competition from close to mid-range." — In-game description. The AMR9 is a submachine gun featured in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III.
AMR9(高级战争) - 使命召唤 中文维基 | 決勝時刻 | Call of Duty
AMR9是战役中部分关卡可以使用的冲锋枪。 AMR9在玩家达到多人联机等级44级时解锁。 理论上AMR9属于大威力型的冲锋枪,因为其最大伤害可以做到3枪毙命。 随着射击距离的增加,AMR9会直接衰减至5枪毙命,即为一轮五连发全部命中才可击毙敌人,否则就需要补发第二轮五连发。 最小伤害时,AMR9需要5枪全部命中头部才能做到一轮五连发致死,实战中几乎不可能做到。 AMR9一轮五连发可以击杀的距离约为26米,其三枪可以毙命的射程为8米。 每次五连发的短 …
AMR9 | Blueprints and Attachments in Warzone MW3 - Games Atlas
The design of the AMR9 is based the real-life gun 9mm AR-15. Here you can find the main information about the weapon in MW3, including all the unlockable attachments and the complete Weapon Blueprints list for the AMR9 available in COD Modern Warfare 3 and COD Warzone.
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AMR9 Camo Challenges and Weapon Information - FPSAlpha
Find below weapon information for the AMR9 in Modern Warfare 3. This includes MW3 multiplayer camo challenges and MW3 zombies camo challenges. You can find AMR9 Military challenges, AMR9 Special challenges and AMR9 Mastery challenges, for …
[Warzone] - AMR9 as a no-recoil LMG is meta after the buff
2024年1月23日 · The AMR9 now kills significantly faster than the Swarm ever did with 3x the damage range. It's currently the best SMG, sniper support and LMG in the game 😅
而 AMR -9 是以.416 Fireball 新血弹为射程单位 ,全称:Armament Research Services No.9,即武器研究公司第九款 。 **不过该游戏目前还处于开发阶段,《使命召唤Online》第二把传奇级角色卡宾枪SCAR-Light原型应该是基于scarH(带消音器)。 以上内容仅供参考,建议咨询资深玩家或者查阅官网获得准确信息。 使命召唤20amr9..**《使命召唤20》中AMR9的原形是AWP(AWM)的变种枪支,它被命名为AMR-9是基于概念、设计理念和部分数据借鉴了真实 …
Unleashing the Potential with AMR9: A Guided Route to long
2024年4月12日 · Explore the best loadout for the AMR9 SMG in Warzone's Battle Royale mode, suited for long range engagements. Learn about the key attachments, pros and its cons, and how it fits into the META.
AMR9 (Advanced Warfare)/Variants | Call of Duty Wiki | Fandom
Call of Duty 2: Big Red One; Call of Duty 3; Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare; Call of Duty: World at War; Call of Duty: World at War: Final Fronts; Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2; Call of Duty: Black Ops; Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3; ... KF5 · MP11 · ASM1 · SN6 · SAC3 · AMR9 ...