碧云天生物技术-Gel-Red (EB升级换代产品, 10000X) (D0139)
碧云天的Gel-Red (凝胶红)核酸染料是一种EB (Ethidium bromide,溴化乙锭)的升级换代产品,用于凝胶中DNA、RNA等核酸的染色。 Gel-Red具有安全 (致突变性极低且检测不到显著的细胞毒性)、灵敏度高、稳定性好等优点,凝胶中的核酸在使用本产品染色后用适当紫外灯 (300nm左右波长)检测呈现红色荧光,适用于原先使用EB为染料的凝胶成像系统。 Gel-Red比EB和SYBR Green更安全。 Gel-Red在远高于其工作浓度范围时均没有细胞毒性及诱变性。 艾姆斯氏试验 (Ames …
RED-ML: RNA editing detection based on machine learning
RED-ML is a software tool to do genome-wide RNA editing dectection (RED) based on RNA-seq data. All source codes and executables are located in the "bin" directory. The tool can be run on a Linux platform and the main program is red_ML.pl.
Borland Graphics Interface (BGI) for Windows - University of …
Borland Graphics Interface (BGI) for Windows Version 6.0, August 9, 2004 The following functions are mostly from the original Borland Graphics Interface for DOS programs. The BGI graphics functions may also be used with Windows programs created by the Borland 5.0 compiler, the free GNU C++ compiler, and possibly
Ultra GelRed (10,000 ×)_GelRed无毒核酸染料_产品中心_南京诺唯 …
Ultra GelRed是一种可以替代溴化乙锭 (EB)的新型核酸染料,具有灵敏度高,热稳定性强等诸多优势,对微量DNA,尤其是微量小分子DNA具有更高的检测灵敏度。 经本品染色的DNA条带在紫外光透射下呈现红色荧光,适用于琼脂糖和聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳中的dsDNA、ssDNA及RNA染色。 15 ~ 25℃避光保存。 Q2:Vazyme #GR501(染胶法)与Vazyme #MD101/MD102/MD103/MD104共同使用时,Marker条带分离效果不好。 A2: 当使用染胶法 ( …
DEV C++:手把手带你配置graphics.h(以DEV C++ 5.11为例)
Colors for Windows BGI - University of Colorado Boulder …
A color may be specified from red, green and blue components using a new function called COLOR(r,g,b). Each of the r,g,b arguments must be a number in the range 0 to 255. For example, COLOR(255,100,0) is a mostly red color with some green and no blue.
WINBGIM: Borland BGI Graphics & Mouse for Windows
The winbgim library allows you to use BGI graphics routines and simple mouse support for Windows applications that you write with CS1300's mingw32 gnu C++ compiler or with the Borland C++ compiler (version 5.02). It will probably work with other Windows compilers, too, but I …
BGI graphics library - Part 1 - JustdoCodings
2018年1月21日 · From this article onwards, there will be several articles containing BGI library functions and their examples. This article discusses the following functions : This function returns the highest valid color value that can be passed to setcolor for the current graphics driver and mode. For example, on a 256K EGA, getmaxcolor always returns 15.
GelRed 核酸染料(10,000 × in water)-无毒核酸染料-和元李记( …
GelRed是一种结合于所有dsDNA双螺旋小沟区域的具有独特设计的荧光染料,荧光信号强度与双链DNA的数量相关,与溴化乙锭(EB)有相同的光谱特性,使用观察EB的普通紫外凝胶透射仪观察即可,染色后的DNA条带在紫外光透射下呈现红色荧光。 这种新型染料具有不能穿透细胞膜、与双链DNA的结合力非常强,基因诱变性低,热稳定性高,对分子生物学中常用的酶没有抑制作用及适用范围广等优点,得到了市场的广泛认可。 本产品适用于琼脂糖和聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳中 …
Big Red Arrow Cursor Details - RealWorld Graphics
2015年5月1日 · Draw your own cursor online. Learn how to create animated cursors in a video tutorial. To use the cursor on your web or a MySpace profile, add the following code to your page: