Red clump - Wikipedia
The red clump is a clustering of red giants in the Hertzsprung–Russell diagram at around 5,000 K and absolute magnitude (M V) +0.5, slightly hotter than most red-giant-branch stars of the same luminosity. It is visible as a denser region of the red-giant branch or a …
Red Clump Stars - Annual Reviews
Low-mass stars in their core-helium-burning stage define the sharpest feature present in the color-magnitude diagrams of nearby galaxy systems: the red clump (RC). This feature has given rise to a series of methods aimed at measuring the distributions of stellar distances and extinctions, especially in the Magellanic Clouds and Milky Way Bulge.
红团簇星 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2024年12月18日 · 红团簇星 是 赫罗图 上的红巨星聚类,它们的表面温度约为5,000K, 绝对星等 (M V)+0.5,比大多数具有相同亮度的 红巨星分支 星稍热。 它被视为红巨星分支的较稠密区域或是朝向更热的温度膨胀。 它在许多星系的 疏散星团 中较突出,在许多中年的 球状星团 和附近的星场(例如 依巴谷卫星)中也很明显。 红团簇星是低温的 水平分支 恒星,最初是类似于太阳的恒星,它们经历了 氦闪,现在以 氦融合 在其核心产生能量。 红团簇星恒星的特性因起源而异, …
红群聚 - 百度百科
红群聚(Red Clump)是 恒星 在 赫罗图 上的一个区域,它被认为富含金属的恒星。 与 主序带 上表面温度相同的恒星比较,它的 亮度 是比较高的 (或是与相同亮度的恒星比较,它的表面温度较低),也就是说它在 赫罗图 上的位置是在 主序带 的右边和上面。 这个时期相当于 恒星演化 的氦核燃烧阶段,而主序带是氢核燃烧的阶段。 理论上,在红群聚中恒星的绝对发光度完全与组成或年龄无关,因此可以做为天文学上估计我们的银河系和邻近星系和星系团距离的 标准烛光。 红群 …
红团簇星 - 《中国大百科全书》第三版网络版
2022年1月20日 · 在赫罗图上,分布在温度约4000~5000K且光度约50~80倍太阳光度范围内的恒星聚团。
云南大学中国西南天文研究所研究团队发布LAMOST和Gaia的红团 …
Primary red clump (RC) stars are metal-rich low-mass stars of intermediate to old age in the core helium-burning phase (ignited degenerately). They are widely used as distance indicators given...
Asteroseismology of red-clump stars with CoRoT and Kepler
2009年8月28日 · We can clearly identify the bulk of the red giants observed by CoRoT as red-clump stars, i.e. post-flash core-He-burning stars. The distribution of $\nu_{max}$ and of $\Delta\nu$ give us access to the distribution of the stellar radius and mass, and thus represent a most promising probe of the age and star formation rate of the disk, and of the ...
Galactic bulge/bar are the red clump stars: they are very numerous, sufficiently bright to be detected throughout the bulge, and their absolute I-magnitude has an intrinsic dispersion of only 0.2 magnitude, with a mean value almost independent of colour and metallicity (Paczynski & Stanek 1998, Udalski 2000).
Red Clump Stars - ADS - NASA/ADS
Low-mass stars in their core-helium-burning stage define the sharpest feature present in the color-magnitude diagrams of nearby galaxy systems: the red clump (RC). This feature has given rise to a series of methods aimed at measuring the distributions of stellar distances and extinctions, especially in the Magellanic Clouds and Milky Way Bulge.
[2202.09185] Identification, mass and age of primary red clump …
2022年2月18日 · Although red clump (RC) stars are easy to identify due to their stability of luminosity and color, about 20-50% are actually red giant branch (RGB) stars in the same location on the HR diagram.