Sweetgum | The Wood Database (Hardwood)
Heartwood is gray to reddish brown, and is commonly referred to as “redgum.” Heartwood with darker black streaks is called “figured redgum.” Quartersawn pieces have a ribbon-stripe appearance. Grain/Texture: Grain is interlocked, with a very fine, uniform texture. Good natural luster, this wood has sometimes been called “satin walnut.”
Red Gum - Austin Hardwoods
Figured red gum from the heartwood, which has a mottled or marbled appearance and a satiny shine, is reported to be highly prized and is usually priced in the valuable range.
American 4/4 Red Gum Lumber | Sap Gum | Sweet Gum
American Red Gum lumber (Liquidambar styraciflua) is a unique low density wood native to the southern United States to as far south as Central America. In the US, it grows in regions where Swamp Ash is found. Like Jelutong, it can be used to produce chewing gum. It has a resin which forms beautiful variegated color streaking.
River Red Gum | The Wood Database (Hardwood)
The rive red gum is the red band in the middle of the side, this is its natural colour. This example is not at all dark compared to many I have had. In a horrible twist, there was a big dieback of river red gum and Coolibah (probably water deprivation) some years ago, Now, much of … Read more »
Gum - American Hardwood Information Center
American gum is moderately hard, stiff, and heavy, and has a low steam-bending classification. Readily available, often separated for color and sold as sapgum (sapwood) and redgum (heartwood). Cabinet making, furniture parts, doors, millwork, strips and moulding, turnings, and rail ties. Good substitute for walnut when stained.
Wholesale Domestic Hardwood Red Gum - Rex Lumber Company
Find Red Gum Lumber and other wholesale Lumber from Rex Lumber in CT, MA, NJ and VA. We ship from Maine to Miami.
Red Gum – Cook Woods
Australian Red River Gum, Eucalyptus camaldulensis, is a dense hardwood that typically shows some bees wing figure on rift or quarter sawn faces. Trees are typically 2-5 ft. in diameter but can be much larger.
Qualities and Uses for Sweet Gum - WOODWEB
The heartwood of sweet gum is reddish, and is therefore called red gum. The sapwood is white and is called sapgum. Both are excellent wood. Both like to warp when drying, so use all the standard methods to prevent warp. Process the wood before the weather warms to avoid stains.
Gum, Forest Red - WoodSolutions
Forest red gum is a versatile, dense and durable hardwood, with a light to dark red heartwood perfect for flooring, decking, construction and furniture making.
Red gum - Canadian Woodworking
2019年1月28日 · In its heyday, Red Gum was widely used for furniture, interior trim and millwork. It was used for core stock for panels as well as face veneer, boxes, woodenware, turnery and flooring. It was the favourite wood for the cases of radios and early television sets.