Reeb graph - Wikipedia
The Reeb graph is the quotient space X /~ endowed with the quotient topology. Generally, this quotient space does not have the structure of a finite graph. Even for a smooth function on a …
Reeb graphs for shape analysis and applications - ScienceDirect
2008年2月28日 · Reeb graphs are compact shape descriptors which convey topological information related to the level sets of a function defined on the shape. Their definition dates …
V.4 Reeb Graphs The structure of a continuous function can sometimes be made explicit by plotting the evolution of the components of the level set. This leads to the concept of the Reeb …
Reeb Graphs: Approximation and Persistence | Discrete ... - Springer
2012年9月26日 · In this paper, we initiate the study of two important aspects of the Reeb graph, which can facilitate its broader applications in shape and data analysis. The first one is the …
In this paper, we develop a framework to extract, as well as to sim- plify, a one-dimensional ”skeleton” from unorganized data using the Reeb graph. Our algorithm is very simple, does not …
Reeb图则是另一种关键的工具,它可以用来抽象和概括3D形状的拓扑特性,通过分析点云的局部极值点来捕获其全局结构。 形状分析与理解是3维点云处理的重要部分,拓扑结构在这里起到 …
Reeb图是一种三维模型的拓扑信息描述子,一般基于函数 水平集来处理,表达模型上各部分之间的拓扑邻接关系, 在模型匹配、三维动画、拓扑分析等方面有重要应用。
We study the evolution of the Reeb graph of a time-varying con-tinuous function defined in three-dimensional space. While main-taining the Reeb graph, we compress the evolving sequence …
Efficient algorithms for computing Reeb graphs - ScienceDirect
2009年8月1日 · The Reeb graph tracks topology changes in level sets of a scalar function and finds applications in scientific visualization and geometric modeling. We describe an algorithm …
Categorified Reeb Graphs | Discrete & Computational Geometry
The Reeb graph is a construction which originated in Morse theory to study a real-valued function defined on a topological space. More recently, it has been used in various applications to …