What exactly is a reentrant function? - Stack Overflow
on the contrary of non-reentrant, reentrant function means calling function in anytime will get the same result without side effect. because there is none of context. in the view of thread safe, it just means there is only one modification for public variable in current time, in current process. so you should add lock guard to ensure just one ...
What is the Re-entrant lock and concept in general?
2015年12月15日 · A reentrant lock is one where a process can claim the lock multiple times without blocking on itself. It's useful in situations where it's not easy to keep track of whether you've already grabbed a lock. If a lock is non re-entrant you could grab the lock, then block when you go to grab it again, effectively deadlocking your own process.
c - Threadsafe vs re-entrant - Stack Overflow
2009年5月13日 · TL;DR: A function can be reentrant, thread-safe, both or neither. The Wikipedia articles for thread-safety and reentrancy are well worth reading. Here are a few citations: A function is thread-safe if: it only manipulates shared data structures in a manner that guarantees safe execution by multiple threads at the same time. A function is ...
What is Reentrant function in c? - Stack Overflow
2016年1月13日 · Function is called reentrant if it can be interrupted in the middle of its execution and then safely called again ("re-entered") before its previous invocations complete execution. What makes one function not being re-entrant? Check the article further, but roughly:
c++ - What is the _REENTRANT flag? - Stack Overflow
2015年4月4日 · It's not really a duplicate. The linked question was asking whether -D_REENTRANT is redundant when passing -pthread; this question asks what effect -D_REENTRANT has (whether passed explicitly or implied by -pthread). –
linux - what is a reentrant kernel - Stack Overflow
2012年4月5日 · A reentrant function is one that can be used by more than one task concurrently without fear of data corruption. Conversely, a non-reentrant function is one that cannot be shared by more than one task unless mutual exclusion to the function is ensured either by using a semaphore or by disabling interrupts during critical sections of code.
What is the meaning of "ReentrantLock" in Java?
2013年5月12日 · Because Java supports reentrant monitors, this works. The current thread acquire the ReentrantTester's monitor again and continue the execution of both methodA() and methodB(). The Java runtime allows a thread to reacquire a monitor that it already holds, because Java monitors are reentrant.
java - reentrant synchronization - Stack Overflow
2012年8月31日 · First of all, regarding reentrant locks in Java: Synchronized blocks in Java are reentrant. This means, that if a Java thread enters a synchronized block of code, and thereby take the lock on the monitor object the block is synchronized on, the thread can enter other Java code blocks synchronized on the same monitor object. Taken from here.
what is the difference between re-entrant function and recursive ...
2008年11月4日 · And another example, non-reentrant but recursive, "open gift box", "if you see box inside, open gift box [RECURSIVE CALL], otherwise take the gift and enjoy". Examples of reentrant would be like "buy new fridge, open fridge, put elephant into it, close fridge" - it is reentrant because we have new fridge each time. –
embedded - gcc and reentrant code - Stack Overflow
2010年6月13日 · GCC generates reentrant code on at least the majority of platforms it compiles for (especially if you avoid passing or returning structures by value) but it is possible that a particular language or platform ABI might dictate otherwise.