Ratel IFV - Wikipedia
The Ratel is a South African infantry fighting vehicle. It was the first wheeled infantry fighting vehicle to enter service worldwide [10] and was built on a modified MAN truck chassis. [1] .
Boxer (armoured fighting vehicle) - Wikipedia
The Boxer RCT30 IFV variant on display at DVD 2024. The Boxer is family of armoured fighting vehicles designed by an international consortium to accomplish a number of operations …
戰利品主動防禦系統 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
英国:拉斐爾先進防禦系統(Rafael Advanced Defence Systems)稱,英國陸軍已決定為正在研發的的挑戰者3戰車加裝戰利品主動防禦系統 (Trophy APS),該計畫是由戰車研發的主要承包 …
AS21 Redback Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV), South Korea - Army Technology
2024年6月28日 · The AS21 Redback IFV will be fitted with a Redback turret, which offers advanced sensing, engagement, and command and control capabilities. The maximum …
VBM Freccia Infantry Fighting Vehicle - Army Technology
2009年11月18日 · Veicolo blindato medio (VBM) Freccia 8×8 infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) is a medium armoured vehicle developed by the consortium Iveco-Oto Melara. It is the first …
ASCOD Infantry Fighting Vehicle Upgraded with Trophy APS
2024年5月29日 · GDELS revealed the ASCOD IFV with the Trophy APS integrated into the UT30 Mk2 unmanned turret, supplied by Elbit Systems. This configuration, displayed at BSDA, …
The Ratel Infantry Fighting Vehicle - tank-afv.com
Developed by the South African company Sandock-Austral (later becoming Reumech OMC and then Denel Land Systems), the Ratel is an infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) designed to transport …
WARFARE TECHNOLOGY: One Man Turrets - Blogger
2014年5月4日 · One-Man Turrets (1MT), although not as common as the two-men turrets and remote weapon stations (RWS), offer a significant boost in fire power for Infantry Fighting …
Pearson 工程公司在今年的IAV 2024展出的BOXER IFV型,其上搭載的是以色列Rafael 公司研製的Samson 無人砲塔,這也是瞄準英國正在規劃的BOXER IFV型案 至於戰士IFV有個有趣的小 …
M2/M3 Bradley IFV/CFV - beyondthesprues.com
2014年7月7日 · It would be in BAE's interest to allow Rafael to produce an upgrade to the Bradley with Spike missiles to increase the likelihood of sales of the Bradley. As many nations now use …